Orange County NC Website
9863-12 9864-11 9864-18 9865-18 9873-09 9874-09 9874-17 9875-17 <br />9863-16 9864-12 9864-19 9865-19 9873-10 9874-10 9874-18 9875-18 <br />9864-05 9864-12 9864-20 9865-20 9873-11 9874-11 9874-19 9875-19 <br />9864-06 9864-13 9865-11 9873-03 9873-12 9874-12 9874-20 9875-20 <br />4. The total cast to Hillsborough for the 64 tiles as itemized equals $15,921: <br />a. Town's fair share at $6,321. <br />b. 64 tiles at $150 each for $9,600. <br />5. A "tile" for the purpose of this agreement includes at least the following digital information that <br />can be processed using a Pentium desktop, computer with AutoCAD Map software: <br />a. Digital orthophoto base maps produced at a scale of 1" = 400' and based on NAD 83 that can <br />show NAD 83 and NAD 27 grid ticks. <br />b. Digital topography with contour intervals representing elevation changes every 5 feet and <br />produced at the scale of 1" = 400'. <br />c. Digital planimetrics produced at a scale of 1" = 400' and with features consistent with this <br />scale in the Atlantic Contract. <br />d. Corresponding databases provided by Orange County Land Records including tax map and <br />parcel information. <br />6. The County will provide quality control review of products delivered by the Company to the <br />County, including an expert consultant when necessary. <br />7. When provided by the Company, the County will deliver requested products to the Town in the <br />format and on the media within the capability of the County's ARC/INFO software and hardware <br />which at this time is CD-ROM. <br />8. The Town may refer all clients, citizens, and customers to the County's Land Records/GIS Office <br />for the purchase of digital map coverages, images and files. The Town will not sell or give the <br />digital products purchased from the County without requiring the purchaser/receiver to sign an <br />agreement in substantially the form of the enclosed. The County will provide the Town with <br />current copies and subsequent updates of all policies and price listings associated with the <br />provision of the County's digital and GIS products as previously described. <br />Suecial Conditions <br />1. If the Town orders products ar services after November 1, 2000, it will be subject to the same cost <br />adjustment that is a part of the GIS Contract. <br />