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BOOK 7 PACE 81 <br />-12- <br />the property owner has been notified of such approval <br />prior to the consideration of the Preliminary Plan by <br />the Planning Board, the subdivider shall reserve.the <br />proposed school site for a period of not more than <br />ninety (90) days from the date of approval of the <br />Preliminary Plan. <br />IV - B - 6 - b. Proposed dedications for parks, playgrounds and open <br />-- spaces for public use shall be approved as to location, <br />size and suitability by the Planning Board. The approval <br />of a Final Plat with an approved dedication shall not be <br />- deemed to constitute an acceptance as provided in Section 111, <br />subsection D-2 herein. <br />SECTION V. IMPROVEMENTS <br />Before a Final Plat of a subdivision shall be approved, improvements <br />shall be provided as follows: <br />V - A. STREETS <br />V - A - 1. Grading and Paving - Street rights-of- way shall be graded <br />in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the approved <br />Preliminary Plan and in accordance with the requirements of this <br />ordinance and the Highway Commission; provided that all minimums <br />shall be as follows: <br />Street Type Minimum Graded Width Minimum Paving <br />Width <br />(in feet) (Curb face to Curb <br />face) <br />Arterial and Collector 52 36 <br />Minor Streets 48 32 <br />Marginal Access Streets 42 26 <br />Alleys 20 20 <br />Minimum paving widths shall apply wherever paving shall be <br />provided by the developer, <br />V - A - 2. Base - Streets shall have a compact all-weather base meeting <br />the requirements of the Highway Commission for acceptance to the <br />State Highway System. <br />V - A - 3. Proposed Improvements - Improvements, proposed by the. <br />subdivider and exceeding that required by paragraphs a and b <br />hereinabove, such as street pavement, curb and gutter and side- <br />walk, shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and <br />requirements, for acceptance, of the Highway Commission; <br />provided that where said improvements are to be constructed <br />subsequent to the approval of the Final Plat, plans and specifica <br />lions for said improvements shall be approved by the Highway. <br />Commission and reference to said improvements shall be made a <br />part of the Final Plat as provided in Section 111, Subsection <br />0-5-e herein.