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5FR 7 PACE 79 <br />-10- <br />IV - a - 1 - c - (6) Curves - Horizontal and vertical curves shall be <br />designed by the subdivider according to the standards <br />of the Highway Commission and in the interest of public <br />safety and general welfare. Factors to be considered, ' <br />among others, shall be the type and-importance of the <br />street, sight distance, anticipated traffic volume and <br />design speed. <br />IV - B'- 1 -..e -(7) Cul-de-sacs - Unless exception 1s granted as provided <br />in Section Vil herein, cul-de-sacs shall not be more than <br />eight hundred (800) feet in length. The vehicular turn- <br />around shall have a street right-of-way diameter of one <br />.hundred (100) feet. Cul-de-sacs shall not be used to <br />avoid connection with an existing street or to avoid the <br />extension of an important street. <br />IV - B - 1 - G - (8) Marginal Access Streets - Where a subdivision abuts <br />or contains an arterial street, whether existing or <br />proposed, a marginal access street may be'required. <br />IV - B - 1 Reverse Frontage - Reverse frontage may be required <br />along arterial streets where deemed necessary for <br />adequate protection of residential properties. <br />IV - B - 1 - e -(10) Reserve Strips - Unless exception is granted as <br />provided in Section VII herein, reserve strips controll- <br />ing access to streets shall not be approved. <br />IV - a - 1 - e -(I1) Street Names - Names of streets which will duplicate <br />or be confused with the names of existing streets within <br />Chapel Hill Township, including the Town of Chapel Hill, <br />G zhall not be approved. Extensions of existing and named <br />streets shall bear the name of such existing street. <br />House numbering shall comply with standards adopted by <br />the Planning Board. <br />IV - B - 1 - e -(12) Street _Name _Siyns - Approved street name signs <br />shall be erected by the subdivider at the intersection <br />of streets. <br />IV - B - 2. ALLEYS <br />IV - 8 - 2 - a. Alleys shall be required to serve lots used for commercial <br />and industrial purposes except that this requirement may be <br />waived where other definite and assured provision is made for <br />service access. Alleys shall not be provided in residential <br />subdivisions unless necessitated by unusual circumstances. <br />IV - 8 - 2 - b. The width of an alley shall be twenty (20) feet. <br />IV - 8 - 2 - c. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if <br />unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turn-around . <br />facilities at the dead-end as may be approved by the Planning <br />Board.