Orange County NC Website
29 <br />Orange Canuty HUME Program <br />proposal for use of FYZ000 - 2001 ~utds <br />I. General Information <br />Name of Organization: Abundant Life Center <br />Name of Contact person: Esther Tate, F.x~utive T)irector <br />Telephone Dumber: 919-929-4$46 <br />Address: 6Q3 West Ro_sea~nary Street <br />Cha el Hill North Carolina <br />II. Proposed Project <br />a. Project title: Renovation of Abundant Life Center <br />Project location- G0~ West ltasemarv Street. Chapel Hili, North Carolita <br />b. Please provide a brief summary of the proposed project including what the <br />project/program is, what the funding will Ire used for and the specific pOpl~lation <br />or area that will benefit. Please attach additional sheets if more space is needed. <br />Funding will be used to renovate the present Abundant Life Center building at 603 West Rosemary <br />Street in Chapel FYi11 in order that we can provide better service to the law- income- high risk <br />individuals we presently serve. Our current building is 6S years old and in great teed of renovation. <br />Abundatrt Life believes that a reawvated building would significantly improve the Midway area of <br />chapel Hill especially with the new Midway Busir~s Center's construction of their 6,000 square <br />foot building within the same block, This Center will attract new businesses and growth to the <br />area. <br />Amount of Request: .00 <br />Total Project Costs: 250 000.00 <br />/a5~an ~g,.~e~ <br />U a <br />Number proposed to be served: 2~eople 2S units <br />Target population: Low-income high-risk individuals <br />Mediat7 income of project beneficiaries _ ~ ~o <br />What is the timetable for project completion. On_ a yest <br />Are all funding commitmec-ts in place for the project? Yes !f no, what is the funding plan for <br />the project? <br />Please return completed document to: <br />Orange County Housing/Community Development Department <br />P.Q. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 2727$ <br />by <br />MARCH 20, 2000 <br />