Orange County NC Website
24 <br />Target Population: Cur population will consist of six (6) beds (60%) for <br />abused/emotionally youths (ages 5-16 years of age),; and four (4) beds <br />(40%) independent living quarters (youths 17-21 years of age). All of these <br />children need a place for refuge, safety, love, to find inner peace and a place <br />to call home. They will live in a family environment with house parents. <br />Cur population will consist of some homeless and special needs with mental, <br />physical and/or developmental disabilities, some may have substance abuse <br />disorders. R <br />Median income of project beneficiaries: All units (beds) are <br />affordable to households earning less than 30% of the area median income. <br />Not any of our residents classify as households earning 31-50% median <br />income level. <br />What is the timetable for project completion? January 2001, including <br />expansion. We anticipate opening faci]ity on or before September 2000. <br />Are all funding commitments in place for the project? No, we anticipate <br />additional fixnding through the NC Housing Finance Agency, Local Juvenile <br />Justice Partnership, the Governor's Crime Comanission, and other agencies. <br />