Orange County NC Website
HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 10 <br />Housing Priorities <br />The Consolidated Plan for Orange County identified the following housing priorities far <br />1995-2000. <br />• Provide rehabilitation assistance for very low- and low-income homeowners and renters. <br />• Reduce the number of owner-occupied and rental housing units without indoor plumbing. <br />• Provide assistance to households at less than SO percent of MFI to connect to existing public <br />water and sewer systems. <br />• Facilitate the construction of tip to 50 new units of rental housing that is affordable to very <br />low and low-income families. <br />• Create transitional housing units far homeless individuals and families. <br />Nan-housing Community Development Priorities <br />The Consolidated Plan for Orange County identified the following community development <br />priorities: <br />Provide economic development opportunities to low- and moderate-income citizens in <br />Chapel Hill. <br />Revitalize the business azeas serving low-income neighborhoods of Chapel Hill. <br />Anti-Poverty Strategy <br />In a recent update to the County's Work First Plan, a subcommittee of the Welfare Reform Task <br />Force, Strengthening Independence, was charged with identifying strategies and resources for <br />Work First families that will enable them to increase their income and to become self-sufficient. <br />As a part of their work, this committee identified the lack of affordable housing for those in the <br />lowest income ranges as a major impediment to building self-sufficiency. They identified the <br />following strategies to address this situation. <br />1. Build, renovate, or designate existing affordable housing and rental units for <br />which preference is given to families who are engaged in aself-sufficiency <br />program that provides job skills, employment counseling, entrepreneurship <br />training, money management, and other social supports. <br />2. Increase availability and access to affordable rental housing and to special <br />incentives and home mortgage loans in the primary mazket at rates attractive to <br />buyers in this income group. <br />3. Advocate among policy makers, housing organizations, and funding sources to <br />limit undue analysis of the need' and to place emphasis on action. <br /> <br />