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9 <br />3. To foster communication between the municipalities and County on <br />future opportuniries and col/aborative ventures <br />4. To provide a coordinating mechanism far updates to parks and <br />recreation plans in each jurisdiction <br />5. To review and inform the municipa/ides and County cianaerning <br />parks needs and potential opportunities <br />6. To deve%p parameters for parks standards (leaving flexibility for the <br />actual standards to vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction within these <br />parameters) <br />7. To deve%p and coordinate public education and public outreach on <br />parks issues (coordinated brochures, etc) <br />The creation of this IP Work Group is a critical component of <br />future coordination. By its nature, the IP Work Group should <br />share information with the Schools/Land Use Councils on the <br />potential for for school/park co-location. This report contains <br />criteria and details that build on the ideas of the School/Land <br />Use Memorandum of Agreement. A resolution asking the local <br />governments to create the Intergovernmental Parks Work <br />Group in time for an initial meeting in fall of 2000 is attached <br />as Appendix L. <br />B. Inter-jurisdictional Efforts To Standardize Parks <br />and Recreation Requirements <br />Currently, the municipalities and County have a number of <br />different standards that are used to determine parks and <br />recreation needs. While recognizing the distinctions between <br />urban and rural needs and facilities, it does appear that <br />coordination of-the different approaches would provide a <br />number of advantages. In particular, if the local governments <br />pursue joint capital funding, land acquisition, and other <br />combined functions, the need for a consistent countywide set of <br />standards will be paramount. <br />Therefore, it is recommended that the Intergovernmental <br />Parks Work Group address, among their first duties, a <br />coordinated set of recommended parameters, within which <br />each jurisdiction would have standards for parks and <br />recreation. <br />C. ]oint Siting, Design, and Management of School and <br />Park Sites across ]urisdictions <br />The Schools and Land Use Councils have opened an important door in the <br />co-location of schools and parks. With an avenue for input into the design <br />and planning stages, the local governments and schools will be able to <br />