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51 <br />*:.,, <br />t:: <br />?,. ~' <br />_~ <br />`,~i <br />y re- <br />process <br />r; . <br />a <br />for the ~ of us wh . <br />mea at we are see ' <br />or species, <br />of mere monet - <br />seeking to protect the disse <br />oration-through the often hidd _ <br />humans make each time they walk in ~ - <br />ten to a stream, inhale the aroma deep within a red- <br />wood forest, or feel the snow upon their brow These <br />connections between ht~an beings and their world <br />generate energy that sustains the living universe. <br />When you understand this, it becomes ludicrous <br />to think of a park in the contem of the current eco- <br />nomic paradigm; it becomes ludicrous to assume <br />that parks can be priced and purchased in the mar- <br />ketplace. We must not subordinate the very creative <br />force o the u " _ to a system that is simply one <br />s _ uc f - ~e. To do to <br />~'}°continued disco - <br />verY aid cre- <br />~p ti - a ~ mat only <br />Ott ex- <br />is ~. ~~.~~ <br />,~ ~;,~~- <br />our parks, or that parks will be commercialized. <br />at people fear, and rightly so, is not simply that <br />s ,parking, or guidebooks will cost too <br />- they fear the loss of the human con- <br />' the creative force of life itself. <br />r a moment about how your own expe- <br />have shaped you. How have you grown and <br />lvec~ y~r7con ' ' mess? How have you become <br />o i`e• sw ~ is: through connections. <br />~.. <br />_- ur parents, with your fam- <br />' a ' 'e.p int with the world around <br />trip, or a walk in the <br />- You. a first time. You felt <br />~.., r ... <br />- :felt n your face. You test- <br />- :...~_. <br />ip or an arduous hike. <br />"tat a by which an individual <br />erztiit not only the re-creation of the <br />'actually the creation of and move- <br />einsciousness. The boxer George <br />Fo apt waded for a life of crime in Houston <br />when, at eighteen, he joined the Job Carps. He was <br />transferred to Grants Pass in Oregon. Looking back <br />on the experience years later he said, "I'd never seen <br />streams and all the beautiful trees. It changed my <br />life, and for the first time I saw there was another <br />part of the world." <br />It maybe argued by some that everything has its <br />price, and that if something is of value it can be <br />bought; and further that many of our most valuable <br />lands have been bought for a price. I submit that <br />that is a perversion, and it ought not be. Just as we <br />do not place a monetary value on our children, our <br />spouses, or our freedom, we should not place a <br />monetary value on our natural and cultural re- <br />sources. Some things are just too precious. • <br />,D~ald.Murphy is the author of several hooks and the <br />,of ,~~~ediate past Direcror of California State Parks. <br />.-:. <br />~' '~ Summer 1998.31 <br />1 <br />