Orange County NC Website
CHAPEL HILL PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIQN <br />200 PLANT ROAD, CHAPEL HILL, NpRTH CAROLINA 27514 <br />VoICE/TTD~(919) 968-2784 FAX: (919) 932-2923 <br />ATTACHMENT 3 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor Waldorf and Council <br />FROM: Dianne Lemasters, Chair, Parks and Recreation Commission <br />RE: Recommendation Regarding the Joint Master Recreation and Parks Work Group Report <br />DATE: February 3, 2000 <br />At its December 8, 1999 and February 2, 2000 meetings, the Commission discussed the Report of the <br />joint Master Recreation and Parks Work Group. On February 2, 2000 the Commission voted <br />unanimously (&0) to recommend that the Council adopt the Report of the Grange County Master <br />Recreation and Pazks Plan Work Group as a general planning tool. However, the Commission expressed <br />concern over several ideas in the Report including the reciprocal relationship between jurisdictions for <br />participation in programs, the development of unified recreation standards, and lighting of playing fields. <br />The Commission applauds the Work Group's efforts in collecting an inventory of all recreation and park <br />resources in Orange County and believes that the Work Group has laid a strong framework for Carrboro, <br />Orange County, and Chapel Hill working cooperatively. The notions of joint siting and management of <br />sites and coordinated opportunities with OWASA, UNC, and Duke University are very positive. <br />The Work Group did not resolve some key issues, chiefly the concept of unified standazds. It maybe that <br />no one set of standards is applicable for all azeas of Orange County. While we believe the creation of a <br />"Parks and Resource Lands Council" is a good idea, we are not confident the Council's charge has been <br />fully articulated. We believe staff should work to develop a formal list of agreed upon responsibilities <br />before elected officials approve the concept. <br />The Open Facilities Policy proposed in the Joint Master Recreation and Pazks Work Group Report is <br />consistent with curt reciprocal agreements. We believe it should be noted that virtually all facilities <br />currently being operated in the County are in fact in Chapel Hill. While we do not propose restricting <br />participation, we believe Town of Chapel Hill residents should receive priority registration in Town <br />programs. This concept is not inconsistent with the proposed Open Facilities Policy. <br />We understand that the funding Orange County provides to the Town of Chapel Hill for parks and <br />recreation operation amounts to less than 5% of the department's operating costs. Yet almost 20% of <br />overall participants in organized department activities are County, non-Town residents. Staff records <br />indicate that for some programs almost 40% of fee waiver applicants are County, non-Yawn residents. <br />We believe the County's contribution should be equitable at least to County, non-Town resident usage. <br />45 <br />