Orange County NC Website
Feb-16-00 01:26P Town of Carrborv 919 968 7737 <br />ATTA C'I[~1'tENT S <br />CAR_RB[~RO RECRE,A'I'IQN AND PARKS C4MMIS~I~ <br />Excerpt from Regular Scheduled Meeting on November I, 1999 <br />Recomrnendatinns for the Master Recreation-and Forks Work Group Report: <br />John Boone moved that the Commissions comments as fellows be forwarded to <br />the Board of Aldermen in consideration of the Report of the Joint Master <br />Recreation and Parks Work Group. <br />a) Remove the "NOW, TkIEREFURE, BE IT RESOLVED that the <br />agrees to create a Joint Parks and <br />Resource Lands Council along .the lines specified in the Joint Work Group <br />report." That wording be substituted to direct that the Managers of the <br />different jurisdictions consider the charge, mission and structure for this <br />Council as part of a resolution for the Board of Aldermen to consider prior to <br />or simultaneous with the actual establishment of this Council. <br />b) Recommend approval to set' acounty-wide standard for coordinated funding <br />pursuits, but not necessarily a standard for each jurisdiction. <br />c) Recommend Approval <br />d) Recommend Approval <br />e) Recommend Approval <br />f) Recommend Approval <br />h) Recommend Approval <br />i} Recommend Approval (With acknowtedgrment that other funding items, i.e., <br />development costs, etc. may need to be considered beyond just land <br />acquisition for future recreation bond passage.) <br />Second: Alice Tropman Vote: Unanimous Approval <br />~~'hs c., ~' ' )'~ l2 L 5 <br />Doris J. ell, Chair- Date <br />26 <br />