Orange County NC Website
Mar-22-o0 05:13P Town of Carrboro 919 968 7737 <br />26 <br />TOWN QF CARRBQRO <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />The following resolution was introduced by Alderman Jacquelyn Gist and duly seconded <br />by Alderman Allen Spelt. <br />A RE50LUTION ADOPTING <br />AN OPEN FACILITIES POLICY FOR <br />RECREATION 1~'AClti.><T1 ES 1N ORANGE COUNTY <br />Resolution No. Y 1?/1999-2000 <br />WHEREAS, the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Orange County have <br />developed parks and recreation facilities to provide service to Citizens in their <br />jurisdictions, and <br />WHEREAS, the location and type of many parks and facilities is such that residents of <br />adjacent jurisdictions are in close proximity to parks of a different jurisdiction or desirous <br />of use of the facilities, and <br />vVHEREAS, the spirit of inter jurisdictional coordination pn current and future <br />recreation programs and facilities has been furthered in recent years with cooperative <br />ventures between local governments, OWA9A and the school systems, and <br />WHEREAS, attempting to tie use ofrecrcation facilities to users only of the providing <br />jurisdictions would be complicated administratively and would hinder community- <br />building and inter-local efforts; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that the elected boards of all local <br />governments in Orange County be encouraged to adopC this resolution .for an Open <br />Facilities Policy, which would provide that all public recreation facilities constructed by <br />the member local governments of the County be open to use by all County citiiens. <br />BE YT llr'TIIER RESOLVED 7`~-T, upon adoption of this resolution by the elected <br />beards er!F-ail local governments in Orange County, the resolution be transmitted to the <br />Chapel' 'H'ill-Carrboro Board of Education, the Orange County F3oard of Education, and <br />the Board of Directors of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority, asking their <br />endorsement of the concept of an Open Cecil ities Policy; <br />AND FURTHER RF.SOLYED TART, the local governments agree to explore <br />opportunities, at a later appropriate date, to clarify and explore a modification of an open <br />facilities arrangement with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke <br />University. <br />301 WEST MAIN STR86T. CaRRBORO. NC ~T310 19191 94Z•eSa~ • Rwx 19191 O~R.77A7 Tnn m19~ l,AB•7717 <br />' AN EQUAL OPPDRTU NI7Y EIMPLpYER <br />