Orange County NC Website
Mar-22-00 06:13P Tawn of Carrboro 919 968 7737 <br />24 <br />TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />.-~•~. <br />- NORTH GAROLiNA <br />. . <br />The fogowing resolution was introduced by Alderman Tacquelyn Gist and duly seconded <br />by Alderman Diana McDuffee. <br />A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE REPORT OF TAE <br />MASTER REGREATTON AND PARKS WORK GROiJI~ <br />Resolution No. 109/1999-2000 <br />1~VHEREAS, the Town of Carrboro Hoard of Aldermen recognize the importance of inter- <br />jurisdictional coordination and its importance to the prevision of recrcation and park <br />services and facilities within QrangE County, and <br />WHEREAS, Representatives €rom ali governmental jurisdictions in Orange County have <br />worked toward and developed a report an issues surrounding the provision of recreation <br />and park services within the County, and <br />VIiTI~RE,4S, This report provides recommendations far the Carrboro Board otAldcrmen <br />to consider in regards to future improvement of rec,Teation and park services to the ?own <br />of Carrboro. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, TH.E 130ARD OF ALDERMEN OF TIiS TOWN OF <br />CARRBORQ RESOLVES: <br />Section 1. The Board of Aldermen has reviewed comments on the report provided the <br />Carrboro Recreation and Parks Gammission, Planning Board and <rnvironmertal Advisory <br />Board. <br />Section 2, The Board of Aldermen asks chat Orange County, the lead agency, incorporate <br />the convnents of the Town's advisory boards into the report. <br />Section 3. And that the report be returned to the Board oFAldermen fvr its consideration <br />atl~ amendmems are mada which take into consideration all oFthe actions by the other <br />jurisdictions involved in the work group repon. <br />Section 4. This resolution shall became effective upon adoption. <br />The fvregaing resolution- having been submitted to a vote, received the following vote and <br />was duly adopted this 22nd day of February,, 200x; <br />gel WEST MAIN STREET. CARRBpRO. NC Z751C • 19191 x42.8541 • FAX (11191 969.7777 • TDP ~9~91 969 777 <br />AN rcCUAI. GrPOgTWN17Y EM~LOY6R <br />