Orange County NC Website
a. o <br />provide for a number of parks and recreation needs. Concerns about <br />management of these facilities should be resolvable, with the Schools and <br />Land Use Councils providing an important role in consensus-building. As <br />mentioned above, sharing ofinformation between the <br />Intergovenmenta/.Parks Work Group and the Schools/Land Use <br />Councils will be paramount. <br />As further research is developed on the specifics of a program for <br />school/park acquisition, the MRP Work Group suggests that Orange <br />County, with its role in school site .acquisition and program/staff <br />resources for land acquisition may best play a coordinating role in future <br />land acquisitions for both purposes. <br />D. Public/Private Partnerships <br />As mentioned above, one of the most exciting prospects for the future of <br />recreation and parks provision in Orange County is that of public/private <br />partnerships. Coordination with OWASA and UNC in locating future parks <br />and facilities seems feasible, and the Work Group recommends that the <br />local governments <br />£ee~i/~ work to identify properties for potential partnership and meet <br />to explore these possibilities. In particular, the identified need for a large <br />district park between Chapel Hill-Carrboro and Hillsborough might be a <br />venture that all parties would have a stake in. <br />Additionally, partnerships with other entities may take on different roles. <br />Coordination with Duke University is also recommended, although it is <br />recognized that Duke Forest is of a different nature. Duke Forest plays an <br />important role. in the open space network of the County, and future <br />discussion of that-role as links in a corridor or trail system will be critical. <br />Finally, the potential for coordination with Triangle Land Conservancy, the <br />State of North Carolina, the Eno River Association and private firms <br />appears to exist acid should be encouraged where practical. <br />E. joint Capital Facilities Plan /Coordinated Land <br />Identification, Acquisition and Banking <br />If the local governments in Orange County are to be successful in <br />providing for the long-term needs of County and municipa/residents, it <br />is clear that joint capital funding, and land-banking efforts need to be <br />addressed, and should be addressed as quickly as possible. A meeting, of <br />Manage should be called to develop a <br />plan for coordination. <br />It is clear that land prices will continue to escalate. Potential larger park <br />areas inside the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area are quite limited, which will <br />require planning for future joint district parks in the County. This, plus the <br />