Orange County NC Website
4 <br />PROGRAM SUMMARY <br />Statement of the Problem: !n concise terminology, describe the JuvenlleJusticeprobiem theprogram intends ro <br />address. <br />Without irrtervention, a juvenile is likely to commit additional delinquent acts. The Inrtensive Services group <br />is designed to provide information regarding the legal, social, moral, and human consequences of delinquent <br />behavior. The program is also designed to provide youth and their parents and /or guardians with better <br />strategies for communication, setting limits and goals. <br />Program Goal: State the e,~'ect that the program Is designed to have on solving the problem described above. <br />- Repair the harm done to the extent possible "R.estorative Justice." <br />- Reduce recidivism <br />- Improve Parent and / or guardian child commwucation. <br />- Help parents set appropriate and consistent limits for their children <br />- Victim Empathy <br />- Teach youth about the consequences of their actions. <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that the target <br />population is served. <br />Youth served in this program will be direct refen'als from Juvenile Court. Youth will range <br />between the ages of 10 and 17 years of age. Parents and / or guardians will also be expected to <br />participate in the meetings. <br />*Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended e,Q"ect of the program on specific undisciplined <br />and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, runaway behavior, and school <br />suspensions and expulsions. <br />1. Fifty percent of the juveniles served will show a reduction in further court involvement as <br />compared to the 6 months period immediately prior to participation in the program.. <br />2. Youth served will, upon successful termination from the program, show a reduction in suspensions <br />and expulsions from school as compared to the 6 months period immediately prior to participation <br />in the program. <br />3. Youth served will, upon successful termination from the program, show a reduction in running <br />away from home as compared to the 6 months period immediately prior to participation in the <br />program, <br />4. To serve fifty percent parents and / or guardians of youth involved in Intensive Services <br />Counseling, parenting support group and parenting enhancement classes. <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the <br />program will maintain to document its e,,$'ectiveness. ' <br />Referral Forms Client Tracking Forms Chem Contact Records <br />Individual Service Plans Parent ~ Youth Questionnaires Juvenile Court Feedback <br />Follow up data will be collected at the end of the fiscal year on each individual involved in the Intensive <br />Services Counseling Group to determine whether he /she has committed another offense. <br />-3- <br />