Orange County NC Website
413/00 5 <br />Section V -APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF QUALIFYING FARMLAND AND VOLUNTARY <br />AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS <br />A. PURPOSE <br />The purpose of voluntary agricultural districts is to increase identity and pride in the agricultural community and its <br />way of life, and to increase protection from nuisance suits and other negative impacts on properly-managed fames. <br />B. REQUIREMENTS FOR INCLUSION IN A VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT <br />An agricultural district shall initially consist of: <br />a. At least 80 contiguous acres (rounded to the nearest whole acre) of certified qualifying farmland; or <br />(Amended 9/22/92 and S/24/93) <br />b. At least two or more certified qualifying farms, contiguous to each other, which will create a district <br />of not less than 80 acres (rounded to the nearest whole acre). <br />(Amended 9/22/92 and S/24/93) <br />In addition, small tracts or lots, when surrounded by or adjacent to certified qualifying farms, may be added <br />to and thereby included in an existing or proposed voluntary agricultural district. <br />(Amended 2/22/93) <br />2. The owners of the qualifying farmland must execute an agreement with Orange County to sustain agriculture <br />in the District. <br />3. Qualifying farmland may be added to existing districts upon execution by the owner of an agreement to <br />sustain agriculture. <br />4. In the event that one or more participants in the District withdraw and the acreage in the District becomes <br />less than the minimum acreage required or results in the remaining land being non-contiguous, a voluntary <br />agricultural district will continue to exist so long as there is one qualifying farm. <br />C. CERTIFICATION AS QUALIFYING FARMLAND <br />To secure certification as qualifying farmland, a farm must: <br />a. Be participating in the farm present use-value taxation program established by the N.C. General <br />Statutes, Sections 105-277.2 through 105-277.7, or is otherwise determined by the County to meet <br />all the qualifications of this program set forth in the N.C. General Statutes, Sections 105-277.3. <br />b. Be certified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United <br />States Department of Agriculture as being a farm on which at least two-thirds of the land is <br />composed of soils that: <br />(1) Are best suited for providing food, seed, fiber, forage, timber, and oil seed crops; <br />(2) Have good soil qualities; <br />(3) Are favorable for all major crops common to Orange County; <br />(4) Have a favorable growing season; and <br />