~arolina General Assembly - [ S 708 vc ]SENATE BILL 708 http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/htm1199.../ratified/senate/sbi10708.full.ht
<br />4
<br />_~,~~cgrams ~Q~1_o~- and moderate-income persons as provi d in
<br />G.S. 153A-378."
<br />Section 4. G.S. 159-48(c) reads as rewritten:
<br />"(c) Each county is authorized to borrow money and issue
<br />its bonds under this Article in evidence of the debt for the
<br />purpose of, in the case of subdivisions (1) through (4a) of this
<br />subsection, paying any capital costs of any one or more of the
<br />purposes and, in the case of
<br />~ubdivisions__ _L5)_ and ,561 of this subsectian, to finance
<br />the cost of the purpose:
<br />(1) Providing community college. facilities,
<br />including without limitation buildings, plants, and other
<br />facilities, physical and vocational educational buildings
<br />and facilities, including in connection therewith
<br />classrooms, laboratories, libraries, auditoriums,
<br />administrative offices, student unions, dormitories,
<br />gymnasiums, athletic. fields, cafeterias, utility plants, .and
<br />garages. ,
<br />(2) Providing courthouses, including without
<br />limitation offices, meeting rooms, court facilities and
<br />rooms, and detention facilities.
<br />(3) Providing county homes for the indigent and
<br />infirm.
<br />(4) Providing school facilities, including without
<br />limitation schoolhouses, buildings, plants and otherr
<br />facilities, physical and vocational educational buildings
<br />and facilities, including in connection therewith
<br />classrooms, labaratories, libraries, auditoriums,
<br />-.administrative offices, gymnasiums, athletic fields,
<br />lunchrooms, utility plants, garages, and school buses and
<br />other necessary vehicles.
<br />(4a') Providing improvements to subdivisions and
<br />residential streets pursuant to G.S. 153A-205.
<br />(5) Providing for the octennial revaluation of reap
<br />property for taxation.
<br />S~1 E~QzL; ~; ng _housing pia j,~~~s for
<br />_ ps~-,~on,g Qf .~y.~ or moderate ,>,~eo~, including_ or~n~atr,~c~,a.nn or
<br />i i n - ----- -
<br />redeve~ npment ~ommission.,,_ Qr housing authority____~;Bd the
<br />gr~r,v~,sion of_~oans, grants, inter~~~„_s~, ~ments,__ and _other
<br />m i i
<br />_ ~ project may p~o_vide__housinq ~c~,r`pgrsons of other than a,,,r,~or
<br />m m
<br />_in the g~,~js~rtar_e exclusiv_~~,y~~y~~rved for persons of 1Qyy
<br />nraceeds_._"
<br />Section 5.. This act is effective when it becomes law.
<br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified
<br />this the 19th day of July, ].999. ,
<br />s/ Dennis A, wicker
<br />President of the Senate
<br />s/ James B. Black
<br />Speaker of the House of Representatives
<br />s/ James B. Hunt, Jr.
<br />