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16 <br />The impact fee report will have. flow diagrams clearly indicating the methodology and <br />approach, a series of Cables far each activity showing all of the data assumptions and figures, <br />and a narrative explaining all of the data assumptions, sources and methodologies. The report <br />will be a stand-alone document which will be clear, concise and readily understood by all <br />interested parties. Because of our extensive experience in calculating impact fees and <br />preparing such reports, we have developed a very succinct written product which provides the <br />client with awell-understood paper trail. <br />Work Product: Public School Impact Fee Reports <br />Task 8. Meetin~s/Presentations. <br />Since we intend to work as part of a team and view ourselves not only as technical consultants <br />but also as facilitators, we anticipate and have included in this, work program several onsite <br />staff meetings during this assignment. We also will attend three public hearings to explain the <br />analysis and conclusions. <br />Work Product: Appropriate Materials and Graphics <br />Task 9. Provide Revised Impact Fee Automated Spreadsheet-Based Models. <br />We will .provide an automated spreadsheet model to allow each district to calculate the impact <br />fees. The model will be compatible with each district's existing computer system. An easy to <br />understand manual will be provided as part of this task. We have provided similar models to <br />other communities and they have proven to be readily implemented and utilized. <br />Work Product: Impact Fee Automated Spreadsheet-Based Models with Supporting <br />Documentation <br />VII. DELIVERABLES <br />The specific deliverables are summarized and shown by task below for the student generation <br />rates and impact fee reports. <br />TASK DELIVERABLE <br />Student Generation Rate <br />Task 1: Discuss and Agree an Initial Public Memorandum on Public School Student <br />Schaal Student Generation Rate Generation Rate Methodology <br />Methadalo <br />Task 2: Conducting Survey Memoranda on Pre-test (if appropriate) and <br />Final Results <br />Task 3: Preparation of Public School Student Public School Student Generation. Rate <br />Generation Rate Re arts Re orts <br />