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1s <br />this subtask, we will prepare a cash flow analysis which indicates the sources of funding, <br />independent of impact fees. This calculation will allow the County and each better <br />understand the various revenue sources available, including impact fees and the additional <br />amount which might be needed if the impact fees were not adopted or were discounted. It will <br />also provide a good understanding of the cash flow needed to cover the capital facilities both <br />far existing and new development. <br />The initial cash flow analysis will indicate whether additional funds might be needed or <br />whether the capital improvements schedule might need to be changed. This could also affect <br />the total credits calculated in the previous task. Therefore it is likely that a number of <br />iterations will be conducted in order to refine the cash flow analysis reflecting the capital <br />improvement needs. We believe that this is an extremely important component of an impact <br />fee analysis; and, that the absence of this analysis frequently distorts the impact fee analysis <br />and fee schedules. <br />Work Product: Cash Flow Analyses Reflecting Public School Capital Improvement Needs <br />and Applicable Impact Fees <br />Task 6: Com lete Im act Fee Methodolo and Calculation. <br />The completion of the above tasks will enable the impact fee methodology to be appropriately and <br />equitably determined and finalized. Per the RFP, the impact fee that results from this methodology <br />will be the maximum legally defensible fee far new development in the two Orange County <br />school districts that could be charged while meeting all of the statutory requirements far impact <br />fees. (The Client will subsequently decide what percentage of the maximum justifiable fee it <br />wants to charge.) <br />Work Product: See Impact Fee Report Below <br />Task 7. Pre oration of Public School Trn act Fee Re orts. <br />We will prepare a draft report for each district which summarizes the need for the impact fees <br />for the appropriate district and which provides the relevant methodology for determining the <br />fee amount. The report will include at a minimum the following information: <br />s <br /> <br />• Executive Summary <br />• A detailed description of the methodologies used during the study <br />• A detailed description of all formulas used and accompanying rationale <br />A detailed schedule of proposed fees listed by land use type and activity <br />• Summary of capital improvement needs generated by the new development <br />• Other information which explains and justifies the resulting recommended impact fee <br />schedules <br />After client review, we will make mutually agreed upon changes and produce flue copies of the <br />final report for each district. ' <br />a <br />