Orange County NC Website
13 <br />B. Scope of Work <br />As noted in our cover letter, our scope of work is comprehensive. The proposed tasks are <br />noted below. <br />Task 1. Assess Current Im act Fee Pro ram. <br />The initial assessment of the County's current impact fee program pertaining to the two school <br />districts will include reviewing existing impact fee methodologies. This will include the <br />geographic subareas currently utilized in relation to the rational nexus requirements. The work <br />in this task will be based on onsite interviews. We will recommend what changes should be <br />made to the existing school impact fees. We will prepare a draft memorandum discussing <br />recommended impact fee changes, relating to methodological or policy issues. After mutually <br />agreed upon changes are made, we will issue a final memorandum. <br />Work Product: Memorandum Discussing Recommended Impact Fee Changes <br />Task 2. Ascertain Level of Service for Each School District. <br />Once the County and school districts agree on the various choices, we will begin Task 2. One <br />important subtask is calculating the appropriate level of service. Impact fees usually reflect the <br />existing levels of service for purposes of calculating the new demand, unless there are <br />extenuating circumstances. We will determine the appropriate current level of service through <br />additional onsite interviews with the service providers and analysis of local data. As noted in <br />the RFP, "existing school construction standards will be analyzed as well as the construction <br />standards for new schools. This information will be used to project school capital <br />improvement costs to 2005 and 2010. <br />The above will enable us to ensure that two important impact fee legal requirements are met; <br />namely the proportional benefit and the rational nexus relationships. The information from this <br />task will be prepared in a written format which will then be submitted to the County and school <br />districts far its review. <br />As part of this task, we also will review cost estimates prepared by each school district for all <br />completed and planned infrastructure improvements. <br />Work Product: See Below <br />Task 3. Review Capital Needs and Costs and Allocate to Growth. <br />This task will determine relevant capital needs and associated capital facility costs due to the <br />proposed development. <br />A. Long Range Capital Needs. In this subtask, TA will further review the various studies <br />and other data germane to the relevant school categories. TA will work with staff to forecast <br />the capital facility needs due to development to 2005 and 2010. The discussions may include <br />not only an understanding of the 5pecifiC costs to provide the schools, but also include <br />