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iz <br />Task 2: Conducting Survey,; <br />' If the approach of the students filling in the one-page survey form is not taken, we will conduct <br />a sample survey of the approach that is agreed upon for collecting the appropriate data. After <br />. this pre-test is reviewed and agreed upon, then the full sample will be pursued. Once the <br />' student generation rates are obtained by housing type and bedroom count (if appropriate), these <br />results will be tabulated. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />1 <br />1 <br />If there is a need to obtain a sample of total housing units, with and without public school <br />students and their bedroom count, apre-test will also be conducted for the approach taken. <br />After this is agreed upon, then a statistically valid sample will be taken. <br />It should be noted that the samples will adhere to each district. It is anticipated that the student <br />generation factors will differ by district by housing unit. <br />There are two written products that are anticipated in this task. The first is a memorandum on <br />the results of the pre-test, if appropriate. The second product would be the results of the <br />findings of the tabulation. <br />Task 3: Pre aration of Public School Student Generation Rate Re orts. <br />Work Product: Memoranda on Pre-test (if appropriate) and Final Results <br />Based on the above tasks, TA will prepare a report for each of the school districts on the public <br />school student generation rate by type of housing unit, and by bedroom count, if appropriate. <br />The report will be easy to understand and have appropriate graphics and tables. It will have a <br />concise executive summary. A draft will be prepared for the client for review. After mutually <br />agreed changes are made, the final report will be issued. <br />Work Product: Public School Student Generation Rate Reports <br />VI. IMPACT FEE METHODOLOGY AND SCOPE OF WORK <br />The methodology to be utilized is discussed first. This is followed by the scope of work for the <br />preparation of the school impact fees for each of the districts. <br />A. Impact Fee Methodology <br />As discussed in the specific tasks below, the impact fee methodology utilized by TA will <br />include analyzing the existing school construction standards as well as the construction <br />standards for new schools. As part of the forecast of capital improvement needs that will be <br />utilized for the impact fee analysis as well as the cash flaw, the school capital improvement <br />costs 2005 and 2010 would be projected. Also as part of the methodology, appropriate credits <br />would be deducted in the calculation of the impact fee in order to avoid the double payment <br />issue. <br />