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34 <br />1. The Intersection and road alignment on the Preliminary Plan shall meet NCDOT standards. <br />2. A publicly dedicated right -of- -way should be provided to the southern property line to allow <br />for future interconnectivity of public roads (in accordance with County policy). <br />3.With the Preliminary Plat, submit a plat indicating areas for on -site infiltration of storm wate <br />demonstrates compliance with Article 6.23.3a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />• Second Action: <br />1, Action within forty-five (45) days of this meeting; <br />2. Or within such further time consented to in writing by the applicant. <br />3. If the Planning Board fails to prepare its recommendation to the Board of Commissioners ,% <br />the specified time period, approval recommended without conditions. <br />• Preliminary Plan addresses all conditions of approval of the Concept Plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fiscal Impact Analysis included as an attachment. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Planning Staff <br />Approval, in accordance with the attached Resolution of Approval. <br />Kirk made reference to item B6 in the resolution and said that all streets shall have five -foot utility <br />easements on each side of the right -of -way. Also, item 7 says that the posted speed limit on Governor <br />Scott Road should be reduced to 45 miles per hour. He said that if the County Commissioners approve <br />this.resolution as written, then they would be recommending to NCDOT that the speed limit be reduced. <br />7 Barrows asked about lots seven and eight and said that there was a significant stream buffer. She was told <br />8 that Environmental Health has assured that two lots can go on this area. <br />9 <br />10 Steve Yuhasz said that he was concerned that lot eight was a little tight. He said that there was some <br />11 additional room on lots nine and ten that could give lot eight a little more room. <br />12 <br />13 MOTION: Holtkamp moved approval of the Preliminary Plan for Bricewood Acres. <br />14 Seconded by Katz. <br />15 <br />16 Chair Allison made reference to page 50 and that NCDOT recommended a 60 -foot right -of -way, and in <br />17 some places there is going to be a 50 -foot right -of -way. He asked Yuhasz how he proposed to deal with <br />18 this. <br />19 <br />20 Yuhasz said that an additional 5 -foot utility easement would be added on each side of the 50 -foot right -of- <br />21 way. <br />22 <br />23 Benedict said that even though the Fiscal Impact Analysis does need some updating from 1997, it does <br />24 show that there is negative impact. There is a net loss between the expenditures for County public <br />25 services and the revenue that comes forth from the subdivision. <br />26 <br />27 VOTE: Unanimous. <br />28 <br />29 AGENDA ITEM 11: ITEM FROM JPA PUBLIC HEARING 2/21/00 <br />30 <br />31 Benedict gave an update on the Greene Tract. The Commissioners met last night to discuss the Greene <br />32 Tract, and the original proposal that came forward was a zoning for 169 acres. In the interlocal <br />33 agreement, it said that only 60 acres had to be assigned. The decision last night was to determine the <br />34 most appropriate 60 acres. The County Commissioners did not have enough information last night to <br />35 make a decision on what was the most appropriate 60 acres. The County Commissioners made a motion <br />36 to not have the rezoning a part of the interlocal agreement before the County takes over solid waste <br />