Orange County NC Website
4 <br />READ-A-WEEK PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of Commissioners, the Orange County School <br />Boazd, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Boazd and numerous community agencies have <br />launched a countywide literacy initiative, ORANGE COUNTY READS, to bring public <br />notice to the importance of reading and to maximize community and school resources to <br />strengthen pazental literacy skills to further maximize the opportunities for school-age <br />children to succeed; and <br />WHEREAS, ORANGE COUNTY READS is sponsoring the county's first Read-A- <br />Week; and <br />WHEREAS, This event will take place April 10-17, 2000 with its sponsors hoping to <br />reach every citizen and resident in Orange County; so <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners do <br />hereby proclaim April 10-17, 2000 as Read-A-Week in Orange County and urge all <br />citizens to support this mast worthwhile effort to make literacy a traditional part of our <br />countywide activities. <br />This the 4~' day of Apri12000. <br />Moses Cazey, Jr., Chair <br />