Orange County NC Website
Education Funding in Orange County <br />Funding Public Education in Orange County <br />In developing various funding parameters far public education, staff considered the total General Fund <br />appropriation for schools. Far fiscal year 1999-00, the County's allocation to education totaled <br />$48,371,435 or 48.27 of the total General Fund budget of $100,251,148. The following chart provides <br />a breakdown of the categories: <br />Figure 3: Elements of Education Funding <br /> ~o of 1999- <br /> 00 General <br /> 1999-00 General Fund <br />Current lx erase Based on u it $34 537 104 34.4696 <br /> 3 cents on property tax; allocated to each school <br />Recurrirt Ca ital s stem based on number of students enrolled $ 043 675 2.04% <br />Debt Service Funded from sales tax & rtion of tax $8 968 305 8.95% <br /> One-half cent sales taxes and portion of prnperty <br />Ca ital Pro'ects & Reserve tax $2 822 351 2.8296 <br /> 371 35 48.27% <br />The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPn projected a total student enrollment of 15,309 <br />for the two school districts located in Orange County fcr the 1999-00 fiscal year. Taking into <br />consideration the total General Fund appropriation, the 1999-00 per pupil allocation is $3,160. (In <br />calculating the amount per pupil, the total General Fund appropriation far education [$48,371,435] is <br />divided by the total number of projected students [15,309]). This pea pupil allocation represents an <br />increase of 5.43 percent over the 1998=99 fiscal year. <br />For fiscal year 1999-00, it is projected that the Chapel Hill-Carrbaro City Schools will receive an <br />additional $9,743,228 from the district's special district tax. This erluates to an additional $1,094 per <br />pupil for that district ($9,743,228 divided by 8,903 students). <br />Historical PerspectivelTrends <br />As shown in the next chart, total funding far public schools in Orange County has comprised an average <br />of 48.12 percent of the General Fund budget over the past five years. <br />10 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />