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40 <br />SCENARIO NOTES <br />These scenarios represent three different methods for funding the WTMP expansion. Since the existing <br />WTMP activities are proposed to be folded into a comprehensive approach with the expansion, their <br />numbers aze included in these figures, The mechanism for entry into the program is to include all <br />newly installed systems, repaired systems, alternative systems and those gravity flow conventional <br />systems which are re-inspected each yeaz. The gravity flow system re-inspections would begin in the <br />Water Qualify Critical Areas in the County, expand into the corresponding watersheds and eventually <br />into other watershed areas not serving as water supplies for Orange County citizens. The projection is <br />that entry of all systems in the County would take 15-20 years. <br />Because the Boazd of Health recommended splitting the cost of the program between the system <br />owners and the general fund, each of the three, scenarios has .been broken down, into 60/40 and 80/20 <br />percentage splits. These splits were arbitrarily chosen by staff. <br />The first alternative of an annual operations permit fee originated in the WTMP Expansion workgroup <br />and was the one endorsed by the Board of Health. This fee would be charged to systems owners after <br />their system is installed, repaired or re-inspected: The fee would subsidize the cost of the next re- <br />inspection in five years. If new system owners took advantage ofthe incentive and voluntarily serviced <br />their system before the fifth year, the fee could be waived for yeazs 5-10 since no re-inspection would <br />be necessary before year 11. <br />The second alternative would continue fee collections according to the current setup of billing each <br />existing system owner after their systems are re-inspected. The current WTMP fee is $60 and does not <br />approach full recovery of the service cost. <br />The last alternative is one offered by the County Manager which spreads the pro-rated cost to system <br />owners of the program to all homes/businesses in the County served by on-site wastewater systems. It <br />has the advantage of nllnimi7ing the financial impact of the program to individuals while eventually <br />providing for the re-inspection of all existing systems. <br />Please note that all three paradigms assume 100% collection rates and include only direct personnel and <br />operating costs and that revenue collection could lag behind the implementation of the program. <br />Furthermore, if extensive failures aze discovered, there may be more staff requirements for repair <br />permitting and installation inspection, All system figures are generally based on projected growth rates <br />and estimates from system installations in the 1990's. Finally, the educational and database positions <br />are included in the cost estimates but they are not part of the staff requirements listed on the system <br />estimates spreadsheet. <br />