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~o <br />checking/pumping~efore the fifth year of operation, the inspection would be <br />postponed until the end of the. tenth year and a new cycle starts from. that <br />inspection. The extension would be granted. only once during each inspection <br />cycle, so the longest period of time a system would go without departmental <br />inspection is 10 years. Tt may also be prudent to not grant exemptions to systems <br />over a certain age (e.g., 15-20 years) because aging systems present more problems <br />and are more susceptible to failure. If no response is received by the Health <br />Department, the fifth year visit from the health department would proceed on <br />schedule. <br />Once the expansion began, a sampling of systems could be inspected in 2-3 years <br />to determine if the filters will be problematic before the fifth year inspections are <br />due. Tf the sampling indicates high numbers of problems with the filters, then the <br />review frequency could be revised as appropriate by the Board of Health. <br />It is important to keep in consideration that this expansion will require a <br />commitment to significant resources, especially personnel, in the coming years, if <br />re-inspections. are part of the framework There will also be some start up <br />personnel costs involved which may not be subsidized if fees are the payment <br />basis. Some models detailing resource needs will be put together by staff far <br />review on the entry mechanism is established.. <br />Other Issues <br />Water and Sewer Boundary Task Farce Document -This agreement will allow <br />waxer and sewer extensions to many areas bf the county only to alleviate declared <br />adverse public health conditions. In some areas, extensions may not be a <br />possibility under any circumstances. Therefore an site sewage systems must be <br />cansidared the primary and perpetual method of wastewater treatment and disposal <br />in any unsewered area. With the finali~ation~of this document supposedly <br />imminent, it is imperative that all aspects of on-site sewage disposal, from <br />permitting to installation to long-term management, be given proper consideration <br />to assure System life is maximi~E~ repair areas mainmined and users educated as_ <br />to their responsibilities in helping achieve these goals. <br />Accordingly, the "toalkit" which matches repair/response options for failing <br />systems to all designated areas of the county must be put into place concurrently <br />with the WSBTF document and understood by all governmentaVutility agencies <br />with jurisdictional authority in those areas. <br />Space for Housing Personnel - If approved and implemented, this expansion will <br />require additional personnel. Presently, the space to house additional employees, in <br />the Environmental Health o$7ice is severely limited. Additional office space will <br />be needed for this expansion. <br />