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26 <br />frequently pumped. Staff could prepare ,and provide to the pumpers a simple, <br />self carbon, standardized, report farm to use and. submit as they check and <br />empty septic tanks. This information might give clues to where the septic <br />system "trouble spots" are in the county. Pumpers are the logical choice to <br />provide this information as part of the. dump report to the accepting utility. As . <br />the, information from these reports is compiled, homeowners with frequent <br />pumps would be sent educational mailers on how to deal with problem <br />~~• <br />5. ,Wastewater System Operators and Management Entities: These groups are <br />mentioned becatXse of their wide range of activities and impacts in multiple <br />areas. All area municipal wastewater treatment plants will be encouraged to <br />accept septage, ,principally because, if the expansion is implemented, the <br />volume of this material will increase manifold. There may also be some grant <br />monies available for construction upgrades for municipal plants in the near <br />future which might be available for a septage receiving station. Other <br />operators and management entities are included for periodic education because <br />of the ever .changing technologies in the wastewater disposal field. A preferred <br />list of these fume could also be produced in conjunction with a quality <br />assurance program crafted by staff. <br />HQMEOWNER 1NCENTXVES <br />Types of Incentives: <br />Many incentives were discussed and the following were put forth as options for <br />consideration. These incentive examples generally assume that fees will be the <br />sole or partial base of funding the expansion. <br />Extension of the Re-inspection Freguencv -Homeowners who check and pump <br />their systems according to recommended guidelines would be eligible for an <br />extension of the minimum review period for inspection by the Health Department. . <br />For example, if the review frequency is set at 5 years, any septic system checked <br />and pumped as necessary would not be inspected by the Health Department for 10 <br />years provided the owner supplies proper documentation to our office. The <br />extension would be granted only once during each re-inspection cycle, meaning the <br />Health Department would inspect the system at least every 10 years. Similarly, <br />owners who opt to become certified in. system operation, manage their systems and <br />report findings to the Health Department could be granted extensions, but not <br />exclusions. This certification generally requires attendance to a school far 4 days <br />and passing a exam on the presented material. Checking the system would involve <br />measuring the solids ,depths in'the septic tank and pumping if necessary, assessing <br />the condition of the filter and cleaning ar replacing as needed and reporting this <br />information either directly or indirectly to the Health Department. <br />Community Benefits - Another type of benefit discussed was reduction of septage <br />dumping casts for citizens located in designated watersheds. This benefit is a <br />consideration because the individual watersheds will be further protected with the <br />