Orange County NC Website
21 <br />2. Education Plan: The Board supported the full education plan as presented with <br />elements intended for general and tazget specific audiences. Emphasis was placed an <br />the need for this comprehensive plan. <br />3. Re-inspection Frequency: The Board agreed with the committee that the $ve-year <br />frequency with the homeowner incentive to extend it to ten years with proper <br />maintenance was the preferred option. <br />4. Funding: The Board chose the hybrid approach of partially paying for the expansion <br />with general funds and making up the rest of the costs with annual operations permit <br />fees for submission to the Board of Commissioners, The Board did not stipulate what <br />the percentage breakdown should be but felt that this would be the most equitable <br />method of distn"buting the costs of the program to all those who will benefit from its <br />implementation. <br />