Orange County NC Website
July 14,1999 17 <br />Phase V: Evaluation and Measurement <br />An evaluation is essential to ensure the activities implemented aze appropriate to address the <br />public health issues, that the activities reach the tazget audiences and that the educational plan <br />meets the goals and objectives (of increasing knowledge and changing attitudes) to improve the <br />environmental health of Orange County residents. The evaluation plan must have an ongoing <br />component of "continuous quality improvement" to allow feedback into the. system (e.g.~ <br />evaluations after each training session) as well as overall annual ar bi-annual component. The <br />annual or biannual evaluation consists of process and outcome standard indicators of success. <br />Process indicators include the number trained, number of groups visited by staff etc. Outcome <br />indicators include improved services, frequency of pumping, changes in homeowner <br />maintenance. <br />Overall Educational Prn ram cators: <br />Improved services of installers, pumpers, environmental health staff <br />Reduced premature septic tank failures <br />Reduced. frequency of pumping <br />Increased frequency of septic tank checks <br />Increased homeowner maintenance activities (homeowner logs) <br />Number of approved septic systems (identified by Envr. 5taffj <br />Number of individuals trained from each target audience (homeowners, pumpers etc.) <br />Number of organizations visited (Civic groups etc.) <br />Changes in practices of pumpers etc. <br />Percentage of professionals receiving education (e.g. realtors, lenders, installers etc.) <br />{Improved water quality (?)} <br />The evaluation plan has been woven throughout the educational plan including activities at each <br />phase. It is suggested that an annual evaluation is conducted and report submitted by <br />environmental health staff to measure program effectiveness. <br />Staff Requirements: <br />Dedicated health education staff is necessary, to complete this educational outline with detailed <br />content information, Plan, implement and evaluate the WTMP educational plan. Knowledge and <br />skills in media facilitation, community organization, public speaking, teaching, materials <br />development, survey design and evaluation are necessary to ensure program success. A master's <br />prepared health educator is recommended for this position. <br />