Orange County NC Website
July 14,1999 10 <br />9. Develop a short S-question "teaser" to send through schools ar mail in utility bill. This <br />will ask key questions about septic maintenance and include resources for more <br />information. <br />10. Participate in local cable access television program. <br />11. Environmental health hosts an information day far the community. <br />12. Target all Orange County governing boards and all appropriate regulatory/advisory <br />boards far presentations about WTMP and current wastewater technologies. <br />13. Conduct Community Forums. <br />14. Educate critics and other residents concerned with WTMP through community forums, <br />focus groups and targeted presentations which include purpose, benefits etc.) <br />Measures: <br />Cixculation of brochures, flyers, short questionnaire. <br />Number of organi~stions or boards contacted <br />Number of "hits" on web page. <br />Number of individuals in mass mailing(s). <br />Number of participants in Tnfarmatian Day. <br />Brochures will briefly provide: <br />• Summary of WTMP (purpose, overview - sce WTMP Plan for detail) <br />~ Outline benefits (i.e, sail and water protection, environmental stewardship, protecting land <br />values, informing homeowners to be `proactive in septic maintenance) <br />• Highlight tips for maintenance (i.e. ,frequency of pumping etc.) <br />+ List of "Do's and Don'ts" <br />+ List on contacts and educational programs and materials available. . <br />The .short questionnaire (to be sent through the schools or other countywide mailing) will ask <br />key teaser questions far homeowners. <br />EXAMPLES of questions that may be used: <br />1. Do you know the X % of Orange County homes have wells and septic tanks rather than <br />depending an public systems? YOU MAYBE ONE OF THOSE HOMEOWNWERS. <br />2. What is the most important factor homeowners should know about wells and septic tanks? <br />3. How do you protect the water qualify for your family? <br />4. Did you know that, depending on where you live in Orange County, public sewer may never <br />be available to your house, even if your septic system and those around you,fail? <br />