Orange County NC Website
g60K 7 FACE 58 <br />Chairman Bennett and Commissioner Ward reported to the Board on the meeting <br />which they had attended with the Community Action group. <br />Frank Frederick, Clerk of Superior court, along with members of the Jury <br />Commission, appeared before the Board to explain the needs which would arise, <br />financially and otherwise, in order that the legal provision for the institution <br />of the Jury Commission,by Orange County,could be met by January 1, 1968. It was <br />estimated that the cost involved in the preparation of this system would be <br />approximately $1,000.00. The Clerk of Court and the Jury Commission were authorized <br />by the Board of Commissioners to proceed with the preparation of the jury box <br />as the needed finances would be made available. <br />Dr. Hubert Patterson, Medical Examiner, presented a report on the recently <br />adopted Medical Examiner Law. He stated that under this new law the expense <br />incurred under the current Medical Examiners program would be reduced because <br />services rendered to out of county patients would be the liability of the state. <br />The following letter from the Department of Conservation and Development was. <br />presented: <br />"Industrial sites are one of the most important problems today throughout <br />the entire State of North Carolina. A piece of property does not become an <br />industrial site on which a manufacturing plant can be constructed unless certain <br />things are done; particularly the supplying of water and sewage facilities to the <br />property lines. <br />The Division of Commerce and Industry through its five Regional Offices <br />is making plans to hold a series of meetings throughout the entire state for the <br />purpose of discussing water and sewer extensions,. provision?o£ new systems, and the <br />potential of county-wide water and sewer systems. <br />These meetings will have the participation of representatives from the Institute <br />of Government, The State Stream Sanitation Division of the Department of Water & <br />Air Resources, the Farmers' Home Administration, and The Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development. Their participation will involve the discussion of federal funds <br />or other funds for making engineering surveys and the actual financing of the <br />construction of water and sewage systems. <br />These meetings will be held throughout the areas covered by our five regional <br />offices. We would like very much for you to take an-active part in helping us <br />to arrange and participate in the meetings that involve the area covered by this <br />regional office. Your advice, assistance, and help is vitally needed in order <br />to make this meeting a success. <br />I would like very much to have the privilege of meeting with you and other <br />industrial representatives as well as a few leaders in the area covered by this <br />regional office to be held at the Holiday Inn (U. S. Highway I North, across <br />from Westinghouse) in Raleigh at 11:45 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 1967. There <br />will be a dutch luncheon in conjunction with this meeting. <br />It would be appreciated if you would advise whether you can attend this <br />meeting as it is for the purpose of discussing the organization of general meetings <br />to be held at later dates. <br />Bill Guthrie and Al Calloway in our Raleigh Office will be with us and will <br />take part and participate in the general meetings to be held at later dates. <br />This is of vital importance to the future industrial and economic growth <br />of the area in which you live and we earnestly hope you will be with us on this date." <br />The following letter from B. B. Olive, Attorney, from Durham, North Carolina, <br />was presented: <br />"I again want you to know that I think all officials concerned are to be <br />commended for what you are doing in developing zoning regulations. Your cautious <br />approach and looking at all angles is especially praised. <br />I also again want each of you to know of my concern for how..Water,_sewer and <br />fire protection is handled in apartment, trailer and other high density areas. It <br />would be absolutely criminal in my view to let developer's repeat all over Orange <br />County what the Roberts people have done at the Triangle Apartment-Nursing Home <br />II complex. Here we have a large sewer plant sitting 200 feet from the front door <br />of a residence and only 10 feet from the front lawn. The sewer foam, noise, <br />etc., makes the lawn unusable for any normal purpose, disturbs sleep and is <br />basically obnoxious as would be the case if all septic tanks were above ground, <br />open, ten times as large and equipped with large motors that never stopped. <br />First, I suggest that no such central sewer plant be allowed anywhere in the <br />county within 1000 feet of any present or future occupied dwelling if later occupied. <br />Second, that no such plant be allowed unless the location is more than 3 miles <br />from a municipal sewer tap. <br />