Orange County NC Website
ADMINISTRATION PROPOSAL 2, <br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision <br />Regulations of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, that the Zoning <br />Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations are hereby amended as follows: <br />Section 1. Proposed Subdivision Regulation New Language: Amend CONTENTS by re- writinc <br />Section I to read Purpose, Authority, Jurisdiction, Private Property Rights and Applications to <br />be Processed Expeditiously and inserting a new section I •-- E. Applications to be Processea <br />Expeditiously on page 2 of the Subdivision Regulations for Orange County, NC to read as follows: <br />Recognizing that inordinate delays in acting upon appeals or applications may impose <br />unnecessary costs on the appellant or applicant, the county shall make every reasonable <br />effort to process appeals and permit applications as expeditiously as possible, consistent <br />with the need to ensure that all development conforms to the requirements of this chapter. <br />Section 2. (page 9 — Subdivision Regulations) Determination of Classification <br />Section III -B -1 (fifth paragraph) <br />if the sw6d2Y*deF wishes to appeal the dee-sien of the Planning DepaFtment FegaFding the <br />FegulaF meeting. The Planning BeaFd shall haye final eppFe-val allthOFity FegaFd'-ng elassifleatien e <br />the subdavis;en. All sueh appeals Fnust be Fnade, in WFitiFig, within thiky (30) days ef the desision a <br />the Planning DepaFtment. The Planning Department's deteFminatmen of elassifleatien FnayA3e <br />Section 3. (page 9 — Subdivision Regulations) Concept Plan Submission <br />Section III -C -1 (fourth paragraph) <br />agent. The Planning Depaknient shall semplete 'its Feyiew ef the Geneept Plan within feuFteen (14) days--e4 <br />submission by the appileant. One (1) eepy ef the Geneept Plan shall be Fetained by the Plan" <br />Section 4. (page 11 — Subdivision Regulations) Review and Approval Procedures <br />Section III -C -3 (fourth paragraph) <br />The Planning Department shall notify the applicant of its action., in ding any <br />........ , ......... <br />--1 11- kTV/ <br />eensented to by Witten <br />uuYv ,v,,� ty <br />fFE)FA thR <br />, <br />Pepaknient fails te FendeF a <br />netiee ;;R, r-;4A* - if the Planning <br />Section 5. (page 12 — Subdivision Regulations) Appeal Procedures <br />Section III -C -5 (first and second paragraphs) <br />The decision of the Planning Department regarding a minor subdivision application may be appealed <br />to the Board of County Commissioners. if appealed, the applieatien shall be plaeed on the Re*1 <br />FegulaF FneetiRg agenda of the Planning BE)aFd. The Board of County Commissioners shall have <br />G: /robert/ADMINORD. doc /n ov99 /revFeb00 /rpd <br />