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17 <br />(page 3 -1 —Zoning Ordinance) Maintenance Res onsibili . <br />Section 3.5 <br />The Zoning Officer shall be responsible for entering amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas. 46,6K <br />(Appendix B Zoning Ordinance (EDD Design Manual)) Approval Procedures /Site Plan Re uiremenl <br />Section 6.29.3 <br />E. Development Review Meeting <br />The Development Review Meeting will take place on the scheduled date <br />Conference Room #1 of the Planning and Agricultural building. <br />(page 8-4 — Zoning Ordinance) Zoning Officer Pre ares Anal sis and Recommendation <br />Section 8.4.3 (first and second paragraphs) <br />Officer shall cause an analysis to be made of the a lication b .The Zonin <br />PP y qualified representatives of th <br />County and such other agencies or officials as -appear appropriate in the Comprehensive Plat <br />zoning, subdivision, soil erosion and sedimentation, and health regulations, and, based upon the <br />analysis., prepare a recommendation for consideration by,. in the case of a Class A, Special Uses, th <br />Planning Board and Board of County Commissioners and, in the Case of Class B Special Uses, th <br />Board of Adjustment. <br />(page 8- 4- Zoning Ordinance) Recommendation Submitted to Plannin Board or Board of Ad'ustmer <br />Section 8.4.4 <br />The Zoning Officer shall submit the analysis and recommendation to the fi* reg6la- FneetiRg <br />Planning Board., in the case of Class A, Special Uses, or the Board of Adjustment, in the case of th, <br />Class B, , Special Uses, <br />(page 8 -5 — Zoning Ordinance) Planning Board Action on Class A S ecial Uses <br />Section 8.4.6 (first and second paragraphs) <br />The Planning Board, <br />shall prepare and submit for the Board of County Commissioners ; <br />recommendation concerning the disposition of the application. <br />(page 8 -6 — Zoning Ordinance) Action Subsequent to the Board Action <br />Section 8.5 (first paragraph) <br />The Zoning Officer shall cause notice of the disposition of the application to bi <br />sent by certified mail to the applicant and a copy of the decision to be filed in the office of the Zonin'. <br />Officer. <br />