Orange County NC Website
11b <br />Selkirk said that some of these things might be self - limiting. <br />Chair Barrows said she would feel much better having it all decided tonight. She would like to reword it to be more <br />inclusive so that it does not feel so fragmented. <br />Benedict said he has not been given any timeframes. He will ask the Attorney whether the threshold impact has to <br />go to another public hearing. <br />VOTE: 7 in favor. <br />1 opposed — Barrows felt it was too piecemeal, she would rather see it come together as a <br />whole package. <br />Katz said he feels they have addressed the immediate issues. He is comfortable with the changes. <br />AGENDA ITEM #10: PLANNING BOARD ITEMS <br />Benedict mentioned that the County Commissioners are considering telecasting their meetings. The Commissioners <br />have indirectly asked if the Planning Board would have any interest in doing this. Also, since there are two new <br />members on the Planning Board, he -wants to put together an informational meeting to go through the subdivision <br />and zoning ordinances. He will let all the Planning Board members know when this meeting will be. He distributed <br />copies of the definitions of primary and secondary open space. <br />AGENDA ITEM #11: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br />a. Monthly Reports (distributed at meeting) <br />b. Planning Calendar (distributed at meeting) <br />The next meeting is December 1, 1999. <br />AGENDA ITEM #12: ADJOURNMENT <br />Mer was a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting. <br />Preparlogy <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. <br />pproved By <br />Date <br />