Orange County NC Website
The original project budget as outlined in the most recent capital investment plan is $12,737,720. There <br />were no land acquisition costs associated with the project because the land was donated to the district. <br />In September 1999, the board of County Commissioners approved the initial Pathways Elementary <br />project ordinance that allowed for debris removal from the construction site ($19,530). The Orange <br />County Schools is requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve funding totaling $8,808,523 for <br />the next phase of the Pathways project. This phase includes planning, architect, engineering, water and <br />sewer line installation and construction costs. All of these cost elements reflect bids received by the <br />district and presented on page 4 of this abstract. As the project progresses, the school district will ask <br />the Board to approve other costs for the project such as equipment, furnishings and landscaping. In light <br />of the current and future bid estimates, the District expects significant savings in this project. (See <br />attached Pathways Elementary School Construction Capital Project -- Phase 2). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the Pathways Elementary School Construction Capital Project -Phase 2. <br />