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2 <br />Fiscal Impact: For 1998-99, eight employees participated in the tuition refund program and <br />expenditures were $1,74fi. (Some employees do not request or are not eligible for the full <br />refund amount.) If participation continues at the current level with the increase in the <br />tuition refund amount, it is projected annual cost would increase to about $3,600 to <br />$4,000. The amount alr®ady budgeted for tuition refund is $4,000: This is the same <br />amount that has been budgeted over past years. Because of the low participation rate, the <br />amount has not been fully used. A factor in the law participation rate may be the current <br />refund amount of $300. If the increase in the tuition refund amount leads to expanded <br />interest in the program, it is possible that in future years some limited budget increase may <br />be requested. <br />Recomm®ndation: The Manager recommends the Board approve the Personnel <br />Ordinance update to increase the employee Tuition Refund amount from $300 to $600 per <br />fiscal year effective April 1, 2000. <br />H:\e\absref.doc <br />February 15, 2000 <br />