Orange County NC Website
6 <br />CAD FILES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DATA <br />The delivery of any drawings or other data in electronic fomtat shah not be construed to provide <br />an express warranty or a guarantee that aN dimensions, coordina#es, measurements, notations, or other <br />data is exact or complete; nor tha# the intended or unintended uses or modifications of such data by <br />others implies any review, oversight, or approval by CaNemyn-Parker, inc. or the personnel thereof. In <br />no case shall the trans#er, delivery, or receipt of such data be construed to provide any right to others to <br />rely fully upon the electronic information. In all cases, hard-copy drawings shad be the authorita#ive <br />documents, taking precedence over any electronic data. <br />CPI's DUTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION <br />During the course of .project construction, CPI shati not supervise, direct, control, have authority <br />aver, nor be responsible for any contractor's means, me#hads, techniques, sequences or procedures of <br />construction, or the safety precautions and program incident thereto, or fvr any failure of any contractor <br />to comply with contract documents or wi#h laws and regulations appficabie to the famishing or <br />performance of the contractof's work. <br />PROJECT DOCUMENTS <br />AN drawings/designs, specifications, reports, Project Documents and eie~tnvnic media produced . <br />and/or acquired pursuant to this Contract shah be instruments reflecting services provided by CPI, and <br />consequently are the exclusive property of CPI. The Client is granted license by CPi for use of the <br />documents, only for the site and use intended provided the contract is not terminated by either party prior <br />to ~mpletion of the work. This license shall allow the Owner's contractors ar~d their subcontractors and <br />suppliers to use the Project Con#ract Doc:umen#s for norms! construction purposes subject #o <br />reproduction and distribution costs. Project documents may not be used nor relied upon by others - <br />except by specific written permission from CPI, nor shall they be used by anyone in connection with any <br />other projector site. <br />TERMINATION <br />If any invoice is not paid within 45 days of the invoice date, CPI may, without waiving any claim or <br />right against the Client, and without liability whatsoever to the Client, suspend or terminate the <br />performance of services for the Project. In the event that the client terrnina#es the contract, the Client <br />shall pay CPI for all services performed prior to the time of notice of such termination. Upon termination <br />of the Contract for any reason, by either party, the Client's license for the use of the Project Documents <br />is immediately revoked. In this event, the Client, ar any agent of the Client, shall not use the Project <br />Documents for any purpose. <br />CALLEMYN-PARKER, INC. <br />gy: .. - 2/1 /00 <br />DATE <br />Title: Vice-Presiden# <br />ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />By: <br />Title: <br />DATE <br />OCERCD Revered <br />Fehrua~-1, 2000 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />