Agenda - 02-29-2000-7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-29-2000
Agenda - 02-29-2000-7a
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9/2/2008 2:09:18 AM
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8/29/2008 11:15:58 AM
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Minutes - 02-29-2000
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4 <br />7. Other Special Needs <br />a. An estimate, to the extent practicable, of the number of persons who are not <br />homeless, but require supportive services including: elderly; frail elderly; <br />persons with disabilities persons with alcohol or other drug addictions; <br />persons with HIV/AIDS and their families; and public housing residents, <br />a. Describe the supportive housing needs of 6(a) above and describe the <br />facilities and services that assist such persons and programs for ensuring that <br />persons returning from mental and physical health institutions receive <br />appropriate supportive housing. <br />8. Public Housing Needs <br />a. Describe the number of public housing units within the jurisdiction; <br />b. Describe the PHA's Section 8, public housing (or combined) waiting list(s), <br />c. Describe the actions and/or programs to revitalize neighborhoods surrounding <br />public housing prajects, cooperation in the provision of resident programs and <br />services, coordination of drug elimination and anti-crime strategies, upgrading <br />of public facilities and services, and economic development projects in or <br />near public housing projects to aid with se/f-sufficiency efforts for residents. <br />d. Describe the public housing agency's strategy for improving its management <br />and operation and improving the living environment of its residents and the <br />activities you will/undertake to involve PHA residents in management and <br />homeownership. <br />9. Lead-based Paint Needs <br />a. An estimate of the number of housing units that contain lead-based paint <br />hazards that are occupied by extremely low income; low income, and <br />moderate income families. <br />b. Describe the actions to evaluate and reduce lead-based paint hazards and <br />how this effort is being integrated into the housing policies and programs. <br />10. Market Conditions <br />a. Describe the significant characteristics of the housing market including: <br />supply demand condition cost, and housing stock available to serve persons <br />with disabilities and persons with HIV/AIDS; <br />b. Describe the number and targeting of units currently assisted by local, state <br />or federally funded pragrams and an assessment of whether any such units <br />are. expected to be lost from the assisted housing inventory. <br />11. Barriers to Affordable Housing <br />a. Explain whether the cost of housing or the incentives to develop, maintain <br />improve affordable housing are affected by public policies, including: tax <br />policy land use controls, building codes fees and other charges growth limits, <br />and policies that affect the return on residential investment <br />b. Describe actions and/or programs to overcome barriers to affordable housing, <br />including: development incentives for affordable housing; infill housing <br />programs; transit oriented development, and consultation with adjacent <br />jurisdictions/COGS <br />
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