Agenda - 02-14-2000 - 9b
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Agenda - 02-14-2000
Agenda - 02-14-2000 - 9b
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Minutes - 02-14-2000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-016 Resolution approving Windfall Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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` / DRAFT <br />PLANNING BOARD 1V1m1TUTES <br />1 Camentianad Plena JANUARY 5, 2000 <br />2 1. Excel Drive shall be public and proposed to be built to NCDOT standards. Sight distance triangles (10' x 70') <br />3 to be shown for each street. Rigtrt-of-says at intersections shall be improvcd to NCDOT standards. <br />4 2. Ifa sign is anticdpated, reserve a sign easement location on corner lot at entrance to subdivision, <br />5 3. Property lines to stop at right-af--way line of NC Highway 54. <br />6 4. Each lot shall contain an adequate area for septic disposal and a repair area as approved by the Orange Coua~ty <br />7 Division of Environmental Health. <br />8 5. Indicate an preliminary plat areas for on-site infiltration of storm watPx that demonstrates compliance with <br />9 Article 6.23.3 a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance <br />10 6. Delineate all streams and stream buffers, if any, on the preliminary plan. <br />11 7. NCDOT shall approve the location of the proposed private road prior to approval of the preliminary plan. <br />12 Access to any lot shall be a minimum of 50 feet from the imersection of the right-0f--ways. <br />13 8. A 7S-foot buffer Type E buffer shall be delineated and shown oa the preliminary plan behind the ri <br />14 of NC Highway 54. ght-of--way <br />15 9. The acreage of all lots shall be calculated excluding any acreage within the right-of--way. <br />16 10. Stream buffer along the creek on the western property boundary shall be delineated on tbe preliminary plan. <br />17 <br />18 Hohkamp asked about the trips per day on Excel Drive. <br />19 <br />20 Davis said that there would be approximately 80 trips per day on Exoe1 Drive. <br />21 <br />22 Chair Barrows asked if more right-0f- way would be asked of the adjacem laadowners or if it would come out of the <br />23 subdivision when Excel Drive is upgraded. <br />24 <br />25 Davis said that the right~f--way would come out of the subdivision. <br />26 <br />27 Goodwin asked if there would be a turn lane because highway 54 is such a busy road. <br />2$ <br />29 Davis said that eight lots would not necessitate a turn lane. <br />30 <br />31 Benedict said that the staff would work with NCDOT to figure out what the threshold is to require a turn lane. <br />32 <br />33 Freston asked about the stone quarry in the area and the noise concerns. <br />34 <br />35 Davis said that when he was there the blasting was not loud, but the trucks were <br />36 <br />37 Benedict said that there is a plan at the quarry for an amendment m relocate. <br />38 <br />3 9 Strayhorn asked about condition #9 about the acreage of the lots excluding the.right-of--way. <br />40 <br />41 Davis said that the acreage of the lot has to be exclusive of the r~ht~f-way. <br />42 <br />43 MOTION: Allison moved approval of the Concept Plan for Bingham Oaks, subject to the Planning <br />~ Staff conditions. Seconded by Leo. <br />4S <br />46 VOTE: Unanimous <br />47 <br />48 b. Pr+diminsry Plswa <br />49 (1) Rruidf'all <br />50 (Eno Township -?2 Lots) <br />sl <br />52 Kirk made the preservation. <br />53 <br />PURPOSE: <br />Consideration of the Pre4minaay pytn for Windfall $ubdivision. <br />33 <br />BACT{GRODND: <br />
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