Orange County NC Website
14 <br />NCDOT REVIEW NOTES FOR DHIt <br />Windfall Subdivision on SR 1710 <br />December 10,1999 <br />COMMENTS & REQUIItEMENTS: <br />1. Prior to construction of any new access or alteration of any existing access within the right of way, the <br />developer/owner is required to secure a permit with this office. It is the responsibility of the <br />owner/developer to obtain a permit. <br />2. The owner/developer should dedicate 10' x 70' Sight Triangles at each proposed intersection and use <br />provided additional pavement for an improved intersection at all connections. The owner/developer <br />needs to review and revise Lots S, 4, 11, 12, 8c 18. Please refer to the attached figure regarding the <br />minimum design. <br />3. NCDOT agrees with the developer's plan to provide duel access points; however, the cross access <br />should be publicly maintained and an extension of OId Forest Drive. Two access points will allow for <br />better service for emergency and maintenance vehicles. In addition, the cross access would allow a <br />school bus to service Wyngate and Windfalls without doubling back on its route. <br />4. All utilities located within the right of way shall require an encroachment agreement. NCDOT should <br />be consulted prior to placing any water and or sewer- lines within the public right of way. All services <br />shall be located near the right of way and flush with finished grade. The appropriate utility authority <br />shall maintain any utility main service connection or lateral located within the dedicated right of way. <br />5. The proposed SO' right of way is an acceptable design; however, it has been our experience that the <br />owner/developer will have trouble maintaining the typical ditch section in the small right of ways. <br />Therefore, we recommend the owner/developer provide a 60''right of way. In addition, in places <br />where the 60' right of way is not adequate, an additional drainage easement should be added to the <br />plans. The drainage easement should be a minimum S' beyond the ditch or S' beyond the toe of any <br />fill slope, whichever is greater. <br />6. The developer did not provide the-standard drainage information; however, we recommend that a <br />Storm Water Management Plan be based on a 25-year post-development storm water run-off rate and <br />should not exceed the predevelopment rate. A 2S-year storm is required for design of facilities within <br />the proposed State rights-of-way. The maximum head water depth should be 1.2. <br />7. All subdivision driveways should be served internally with no additional access onto abutting <br />roadways. The developer should convey this condition in any lease or sell agreements. <br />6. Prior to any construction, the owner/developer will need to submit their final plans for review. The <br />final plans should include the horizontal and vertical alignment information, a typical section, drainage <br />facilities, vicinity map, and the n~n:~ber of lots with the proposed driveway location. <br />7. The owner/developer should be aware of General Statute 136-102.2, in which new roads are not <br />eligible for the State Maintenance system unless certain requirements are met. An explanation of these <br />requirements can be found on pages 13, 14 and 1 S of the current (January 1999) NCDOT <br />Subdivision Roads Manual Particular attention should be placed on items 2 (petition for addition), S <br />and 7 (occupied housing requirement), 11, 12, and 13. <br />