Orange County NC Website
<br />MEMORANDUM ~" <br />TO: Greg Wilder <br />Assistant to the County Manager <br />FROM: Bob Tones, Director <br />Orange County Recreation & Parks <br />DATE: February 8, 2000 <br />RE: Evaluation of Central Elementary School Field <br />As a follow up to the evaluation of the ball field at Hillsborough Elementary <br />School, further assessment has been completed of the possible use of Central Elementary <br />facilities. As was determined earlier, there are limitations for the use of this field, mainly <br />that it would be restricted for the very young participants (7 to 8 year olds). <br />Most common field dimensions and ages of players of existing fields in our azea <br />are: <br />Collins Fields: Ages 7 - 8 years; 160 feet outfield <br />Exchange Club: Ages 9 --10 years; 17S feet outfield <br />Schley Field:. Ages 11 - 12 years; 200 feet outfield <br />School Fields: Ages 13 and up; 2S0 feet to 300 + feet <br />Central Elementary: The existing field at Central Elementary is cleazed far 141 <br />feet left field to the tree line and 160 feet right field to the bottom of a slope leading up to <br />the existing black top basketball courts. <br />Options to prepare this field for play aze: <br />A. Use existing backstop which is sufficient for the age group that can play on <br />this field. <br />B. Use existing outfield dimensions even though left field is very short. <br />Preparation would include remove grass for a skinned infield based on a 60' <br />base line, install home plate and base inserts, and apply appropriate field <br />dressing (Turface) _ $3,040. <br />