Orange County NC Website
<br />Public Works site and we have anecdotal information about shallow rock in the landfilled portions of <br />Fairview Park, we should assume that rock will be encountered on the Hillsborough site as well. The <br />removal of rock and the requirement that rock removed from the site be replaced by imported fill could <br />easily raise the cost of grading to more than $75,000. In addition, this site would not be ready for play <br />until early fall of 2000 under absolutely optimum conditions. The more likely scenario would be for a <br />field constructed in this area to be ready for play in 2001. <br />In conclusion there is no site on any portion of the Fairview/Hillsborough property complex that we can <br />guarantee to be ready far play this year. It is possible that we maybe able to complete testing of the <br />existing "Field of Dreams" and clear that area far play by mid-March. It is also possible that <br />environmental testing may turn up data that eliminates this area from use until the appropriate <br />mitigation measures have been determined and implemented. <br />If I may provide additional information at .this time, please advise. . <br />