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3 <br />To gauge cumulative impacts of development as it relates to <br />m, flexible development options and access. <br />tI. Various amendments to the Orange County Subdivision <br />i Regulations. <br />a. Amend SECTION III-B (1) Classification of Subdivisions to change <br />from twenty-four month period to a ten (10) year period to require <br />that parent parcels resubdivided within a ten-year period would be <br />gauged and reviewed for their cumulative effect in a major <br />subdivision process. <br />PURPOSE. To better allow the Planning Department to monitor the <br />piecemeal pattern of subdivision applications and approvals and to <br />reduce the incentive to avoid the major subdivision review process. <br />b. Amend SECTION III-D-1 Concept Plan A roval in all Zoning <br />Districts Except the Rural Buffer to revise the procedures for concept <br />plan approval. <br />PURPOSE: Both options, Conventional and Flexible Development <br />are still available to the the developer for initial submittal. This <br />procedure pennits Planning Staff to recommend which option of <br />subdivision (flexible or conventional) is preferred and to remove <br />language that the subdivision options are non-binding on the <br />applicant. This new procedure will promote more open space in <br />subdivisions. <br />c. Amend SECTION III-D-2 Concept Plan Approval in the Rural Buffer <br />Zoning District to revise the procedures for concept plan approval. <br />Purpose: Same as 2b <br />d. Amend the SECTION II DEFINITIONS Subdivision (1) by changing <br />the requirement that resultant lots shall: e) not increase the number <br />of access points to a public street over the number currently existing <br />and f) not shift access from a lower classified/volume street to a <br />higher classified/volume street. <br />PURPOSE: To promote and maintain transportation efficiency by <br />limiting access on higher capacity/classified roadways <br />e. Amend the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations to create <br />a new definition entitled Non-Vehicular Access (NVA) Easement. <br />PURPOSE. To prevent creation of additional, unauthorized <br />driveways along roads or allow recombination of lots to defeat the <br />purpose of the subdivision regulations. <br />f. Amend Orange Private Road Standards to reduce the maximum <br />number of lots allowed on a private road to 10 from 25, raise the <br />standards for private roads and to require that a NC Professional <br />a:/robert/leaalad/