Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 18, 2000 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. a <br />SUBJECT: Housing Bond Program Award Commitments <br />DEPARTMENT: Housing/Comm. Development PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Development Agreements <br />Capital Project Ordinance <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Tara L. Fikes, ext. 2490 <br />Donna Dean, ext. 2151 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: <br />1. Approve the Capital Project Ordinance authorizing the expenditure of $550,006 in housing bond <br />funding - $90,000 for EmPOWERment, Incorporated and $460,000 to Habitat for Humanity of <br />Orange County, NC, Incorporated; and <br />2. Authorize the County Manager upon the County Attorney's review and approval, to execute a <br />Development Agreement with EmPOWERment, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, <br />NC, Incorporated on behalf of the County. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />On December 7, 1999, the Board of Commissioners committed $90,000 in housing bond funds subject to <br />approval and execution of a Development Agreement with EmPOWERment, Inc., a non-profit <br />organization, for the purchase of a tract of land on Pine Hill Drive in Carrboro for future affordable <br />housing development. Additionally, the Board committed $460,000 in housing bond funds subject to the <br />approval and execution of a Development Agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, NC, <br />Inc. for land acquisition for future housing development. <br />In order to facilitate the actual expenditure of funds for this project, two actions are required. First, the <br />BOCC must approve a Capital Project Ordinance appropriating funds to this project. A Capital Project <br />Ordinance has been prepared to accomplish this task and is included with this abstract for the Board's <br />consideration. Second, a Development Agreement must be executed between the County and <br />EmPOWERment, Inc. which secures and governs the bond funds. A Development Agreement has been <br />developed by County staff for review by the Board and the County Attorney. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This action represents an expenditure of $550,000 of the $1.8 million dollar <br />Affordable Housing Bond approved in November 1997.