Agenda - 01-18-2000 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-18-2000
Agenda - 01-18-2000 - 9a
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9/2/2008 12:53:12 AM
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8/29/2008 11:15:20 AM
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2000 NS Purchasing - Trigon Engineering Consultants Inc for Geotechnical/Environmental Investigation at Fairview Park
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2000
Minutes - 01-18-2000
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Proposals for professional services in the fields of geotechnical and environmental analyses <br />have been solicited from five local engineering firms specializing in these areas of practice. <br />These firms were advised that their proposals should also provide for elements of support for: <br />1) community relations/public information efforts; <br />2) coordination with state/federal solid waste/environmental regulators; and <br />3) submission of grant applications for "brownfields" site remediation/reuse funds. Three <br />proposals were submitted to the County and have been received and evaluated by County staff. <br />Staff recommends that the firm of Trigon Engineering Consultants, Inc. be awarded the contract <br />for the geotechnical and initial phases of environmental investigation at a contract cost of <br />$18,385. This proposal does not include the costs for an independent certified laboratory to <br />test the samples acquired by the consultant, nor does it include the cost of installing landfill gas <br />sampling probes, should such installation be deemed necessary. Laboratory costs can range to <br />as much as $1000 per sample, depending on the type of tests conducted on a sample. <br />Installation of landfill gas probes with associated testing is estimated at $750 per probe. <br />It is generally anticipated that a geotechnical/environmental consulting firm can mobilize its field <br />operations team within two weeks of contract execution and that the final contract will be <br />negotiated and executed within two weeks of award of the contract by the BOCC. All <br />community relations efforts and consultant activities involving field work, testing and analysis <br />can be completed within ten weeks of contractor mobilization. <br />The time frames for conducting additional phase II evaluation of the site as may be required by <br />state and federal regulations cannot be projected at this time. Given these time frames, a <br />general time-line layout of the projected can be extended as follows: <br />Award of Contract by BOCC: <br /> 1/18/2000 <br />Execution of Final Contract: <br /> 2/1/2000 <br />Public information meeting involving Fairview Park <br />residents, County and Town officials and <br />staff, other <br />. <br />concerned citizens: 2/15/2000 <br />Initiation of field testing: <br /> 2/15/2000 <br />Completion of field testing, acquisition of results: 4/11/2000 <br />Report/public information meeting at regular BOCC <br />meeting to provide results to elected officials and public <br />and to project future steps - if any - related to <br />environmental testing and analysis: 4/18/2000 <br />Initiation/completion of additional testing, if any, as <br />required by state/federal environmental regulators: Unknown/to be <br />determined <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Currently estimated to be approximately $30,000 for consultant and <br />initial lab analysis costs budgeted at $ 11,400 from the Town of Hillsborough and $18,600 from <br />Orange County. If environmental problems are found to exist, state regulators will specify the
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