Orange County NC Website
Administration Ordinance <br />Section 7: Amend the new erection 6.25 to set minimum usable lot area when Ground <br />Absorption Wastewater Systems are used to read as follows: <br />The usable lot for parcels between 40,000 square feet and <br />1.99 acres in size shall be a minimum of 30,000 square feet. Zoning <br />lots two acres and greater shall have a minimum usable lot area of at <br />least 40,000 square feet. <br />Section 8: For purposes of this of this ordinance the following stream buffer <br />situations shall be vested: <br />1) Structures with valid building permits; <br />2) Septic system repair areas; <br />3) Existing structures within the stream buffer as of the adopted <br />date of this amendment. <br />(Signature) <br />Clerk, Board of County Commissioners <br />Date and Seal <br />(Signature) <br />Chair, grange County Commissioners <br />r_•.,.t,o..«/..........F7AAA«w /C,~,......D..CF .ri..a:....~....I w J~ __......_.. __ ~_~ ~_ _._ _ _ ~ <br />