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g) Utilities plan (location, size, existence, and off site improvements) <br />h) Stormwater management plan <br />i) Landscaping plan, including perimeter and/or interior buffers <br />j) Exterior lighting plan (fixture type, intensity, and intensity at property line) <br />k) Land suitability analysis including topography, soil types, hydrology, vegetated azeas <br />1) Environmental protection plan indicating how items in (k) are protected <br />m) Locations and widths of all easements and rights-of--way within or adjacent to the <br />site. <br />n) Names and addresses of owners and applicants. <br />o) A fee, as set by the Board of Commissioners. - <br />4.48 Performance standards <br />This section establishes criteria pertaining to appearance in the design of a site, buildings <br />and structures, landscaping, signs, and other miscellaneous features that aze observed by the <br />public. Aesthetic criteria are not intended to restrict imagination, innovation, or variety, but <br />rather to assist in focusing on design principles which result in creative solutions that will <br />promote visual appeazance within the city and county, preserve taxable values, and promote <br />the public health, safety and welfare. <br />4.48.2 Standards generally <br />a) Harmonious and eff cient organization. The site plan shall be organized <br />harmoniously and efficiently in relation to existing topography, the size and type of <br />plot, the chazacter of adjoining property, and the type and size of buildings. The site <br />will be developed to facilitate orderly development of surrounding property and with <br />minimal disturbance to the natural environment. <br />b) Preservation of natural state. Desirable vegetation or other unique natural features <br />shall be preserved in their natural state when practical. The Environmental <br />Protection Plan shall include the locations of all existing trees 12" diameter four feet <br />above the ground. <br />c) Enhancement of residential privacy. The site plan shall provide reasonable visual, <br />lighting, and sound privacy for all adjacent dwelling units. <br />d) Emergency access. Structures and other site features shall be arranged to permit <br />practical emergency vehicle access to all sides of buildings. <br />e) Access to public ways. Every structure and dwelling unit shall have access to a public <br />street, walkway or other area dedicated to common use. <br />f) Nan-motorized circulation. Anon-motorized circulation system shall be provided <br />which is direct, efficient, and pleasant.. The system shall be complementary to, but <br />independent of the vehiculaz circulation system. <br />g) Design of access and egress drives. The location, size, and numbers of ingress and <br />egress drives to a site will be strictly limited to minimize the negative impacts on <br />public streets and on adjacent property. This shall include formal entryways and <br />access to outpazcels from inside the development only. <br />h) Coordination wfth off-site circulation systems. The arrangement of rights-of--way or <br />easements for circulation shall coordinate with the pattern of existing and planned <br />streets, pedestrian and/or bicycle pathways and transit routes in the area. Connection <br />to adjacent properties is encouraged where possible. <br />