Orange County NC Website
WaII,Signs: <br />1. Must be mounted on a building fascia panel designed specifically for that purpose or mounted flat against <br />the buildin wall. <br />2. Only one wall sign per tenant or building occupant is allowed, and only the name of the tenant and/or <br />identi in s mbol ma be dis la ed. <br />3. Wall signs may not extend higher than the fascia panel or fagade of any structure. <br />Information Signs: <br />1. Information signs must be places perpendicular to approaching traffic so that they are visible and legible. <br />2. Signs must be positioned so that there is a clear line-of-sight well before the point at which a driver must <br />take action to than a direction. <br />3. Information signs must be positioned to avid confusing backgrounds, particularly when they are intended <br />to direct vehicular traffic on or to-and-from the site, <br />~4. Information signs may be placed na closer than six feet to the edge of a road or drive, and, in no case, <br />ma the be Ipcated within a street ri ht-of-wa unless the are erected b a ovemmental a enc . <br />5. Information signs may not contain advertising material or exceed six square feet in area. <br />Appearance and Illumination: <br />1. Sign colors must not be overpowering but must accent the building which the sign identifies or on which it <br />is mounted. <br />2. Signs painted on exterior walls are not allowed unless approved by the Board of Commissioners. <br />3. The light from an illuminated sign must not be permitted to shine into any road right-of-way or across <br />ro ert lines. <br />4. Outdoor advertising signs, billboards, and portable signs are prohibited, as are inflatable signs. <br />5. Except for time and temperature signs, signs with flashing or moving messages are prohibited. <br />Temporary Signs: <br />1. Temporary signs may be used for construction and real estate information, and future tenant identification. <br />2. The number and size of temporary signs allowed is governed by the Zoning Ordinance. <br />1. The form and color of the awnings must be consistent. <br />2. A minimum eight-foot vertical clearance must be maintained. <br />3. Signs on awnings must be painted on and limited to the awning's flap (valance) or end panels. <br />4. Plexiglas, metal, and glossy vinyl illuminated awnings are strongly discouraged. Canvas, treated canvas, <br />matte finish vin I, and fabric awnin s are encoura ed. <br />Lighting: <br />All lighting must be shielded to confine light spread within the site boundaries and provide uniform illumination <br />in tom liance with the followin minimum levels: - <br />Building entrances 4.00 footcandles <br />Sidewalks 1.00-3.00 footcandles <br />Pedestrian paths 1.00 footcandles - <br />Parking lots 0..50 footcandles <br />1. Pedestrian walkways and plazas must be lighted and fixtures mounted at a lower height for security. <br />2. Accent lighting must also be provided to illuminate such key locations as building and driveway entries, <br />and activit areas. <br />3. All light fixtures are to be concealed source fixtures except for pedestrian orientation accent lights. <br />4. Security lighting fixtures or floodlights must not project over the fascia or roof line of the buildings(s). <br />5. Parking area and driveway fixtures should be mounted at or below a maximum height of 25 feet above the <br />surtace of the arking area or drivewa . <br />8. The design of light fixtures and structural supports must be compatible with the architecture of the <br />rinci al buildin sand identification si ns. <br />7. Where building faces are illuminated, lighting fixtures must be integrated within the architectural design of <br />the buildin s. <br />8. Ground-mounted lighting fixtures must be weather-proof and vandal resistant. <br />