3. In lieu of on-street parking, four foot bike lanes must be delineated on each side (curb) of the street.
<br />Pedestrian Circulation:
<br />1. Building service and loading areas must be located at the side or rear of the principal building(s), and '"` "•` "' ~• ••
<br /> deli ned so that all service and loadin o erations occur within the confines of the buildin site.
<br />2. Exterior storage for materials, supplies, and equipment may only be located at the side or rear of a
<br /> buildin and onl in total) enclosed screened areas.
<br />3. Exterior storage areas must never be located to the front of any building unless screened from view ~ •'~
<br /> throw h the use of fencin ,walls and/or landsca in .
<br />4. Where rooftop mechanical equipment is installed, equipment enclosures and/or the building design must
<br /> adequately provide for the reduction of noise sa as to comply with the maximum permitted sound levels.
<br />Screening:
<br />1. Ground level mechanical equipment such as air conditioning equipment, satellite dishes, utility meters and •• " '~''
<br />poxes, and tower-type antennas (15-feet or less in height) must be screened from view through the use of ~~ •
<br />landsca in ,walls and/or fencin .
<br />2. Solid waste containers and recycling bins must be enclosed in durable, attractive structures screened
<br />from view throw h the use of shrubs )anted around the base of the enclosure.
<br />3.• Loading areas may only face side or rear property lines and must be designed so as not to intertere with
<br />traffic movement within the site. : r .•.
<br />4. Loadin areas shall not be located within re wired drives or arkin areas. ~~~`
<br />5. Loading areas shall be screened from view through the use of landscaping, walls and/or fencing.
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<br />1, A sign plan must be submitted and approved as part of the comprehensive site development plan. ~ •~
<br />2. Alighting plan must be submitted and approved as part of the comprehensive site development plan.
<br />signs:
<br />Identification Signs: Criteria overnin the number, size, and hei ht of identification si ns is, as follows:
<br />Maximum number of si ns ermitted 3 er use
<br />Maximum number of freestandin si ns ermitted 1 er use
<br />Totals ware foots a of all si ns ermitted 200 s . ft.
<br />Maximum size of an sin 75 . ft.
<br />Maximum hei ht of an sin 12 ft.
<br />identification
<br />Only one freestanding identification sign is permitted for each use. However, a second sign may '~•r>.
<br />be used where a site has more than one vehicular entrance on different sides of the building.
<br />• A freestanding identification sign must be placed perpendicular to approaching vehicular traffic so • • •~ . • ham'
<br />that it is clearly visible and does not obstruct the view of any other identification or information .
<br />• A freestanding identification sign must be located at least 10-feet from any property line or
<br />ririvawav
<br />Location & Accessibility:
<br />