Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, continually surveying the collection of tee Slate's revenues pumwnt in <br /> Anicle III See_i (3)oftha Cohtdion is a normal fatigue of the oftte of state Budget and <br /> Management(OSBM)end repatls on its surveys me Malted lawinely by the Governor;and, <br /> WHEREAS, OSBM how provided the,Governor with detailed wallop on the grwAng <br /> fiscal paned deficit and,along frith he Office of Nc Governor,has also advised memMrs office <br /> Central Assembly of the situation, including the limaidenf Ikoiemlum of Be Senate and the <br /> Speaker of the Houst of Representatives;and, <br /> WHEREAS,on Ocmb¢31,2001,OSHM,at fee direction of the Governor,noticed state <br /> agency expadithaw fm the remainder of the fiscal year,and, <br /> W}IEREAS,as detailed in a memswdum to the Oovnnor Gam OSBM dined Febrwer <br /> 0,2002, OSBM mimates, in light of Ianuery 2002 collections and new cwnomio forecasts, a <br /> growing substantial deficit for hand yew 2001 O2 Nat will not be covered by the reduction in <br /> expendtmemessmes adopted an October 31,2001;and, <br /> WHEREAS, in light of OSBM eatimrtza, Nc budget ancient by the Gmmal Asmmbly <br /> fm fiscal year 2001-02 owed be administered as analog withom Ne State incurring a deficit in <br /> its administration;and, <br /> WHEREAS,it is found as afact that based on Geneal Fwd fnvenue aglamiee through <br /> January 31, 2002, and projections rut these revenues dwough Iwo 30,2002, want receipts foe <br /> the current fiscal year wall am meet the exl i nditmes anticipated mmd budgeted by the 2001 <br /> General Assembly:and, <br /> WHEREAS, from this fact it is determined and concluded cast unless debts economies <br /> in Stine expenditures are made,tae State's General Fund expend sate will cowed General Fwd <br /> r s,for the concert fiscal year <br />