Orange County NC Website
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A public hearing will be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Superior Courtroom of the <br />New Orange County Courthouse, 106 E. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina, on <br />Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 7:30 PM for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an <br />opportunity to speak for or against the following items: <br />A. SCHOOLS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE <br />Purpose: Residential growth has increased sharply in Orange County over <br />the past decade, in large part due to the well known quality of the public <br />schools in the county. Concern has been expressed by elected officials that <br />overcrowding in the schools could jeopardize the quality education that is a <br />linchpin of the quality of life in Orange County. In 1999, a joint committee of <br />elected officials, staff members from the county and towns of Carrboro, <br />Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough and both school districts began the process of <br />designing ways to maintain proper levels of service by synchronizing <br />residential growth with educational capital facilities. <br />This committee began to look at the issue of linking new development to <br />the capacity of schools as a way to help ensure quality schools in Orange <br />County. From this committee was developed a Schools Adequate Public <br />Facilities Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and model ordinance. <br />This MOU and ordinance have been refined through previous public input <br />including a public hearing conducted in Orange County on November 27, <br />2000 and other subsequent public hearings. Based upon <br />recommendations from public comment, the Joint Schools and Land Use <br />Council has amended the MOU and ordinance into its current form. <br />This ordinance is a product of joint understandings between all of the <br />school districts and local governments who strongly support the <br />excellence of both Orange County school systems. <br />The MOU was approved by the Board of County Commissioners in early <br />December 2002. The effectuating ordinance that is consistent with the <br />MOU is required to come to a public hearing before insertion into local <br />government regulations. The anticipated effective date is between <br />February 15 and April 15, 2003. <br />Other local governments are also in the process of review and/or approval <br />of this growth management strategy. <br />Changes may be made in the advertised proposals that reflect debate, objections <br />and discussion at the hearing. <br />